December 31, 2000
December 30, 2000
December 29, 2000
December 28, 2000
- Re: Pennicuik Sinclairs (James), Spirit One Email
- Re: Pennicuik Sinclairs (James), DSinc39156
- SINCLAIR/EWING (Toronto and Florida), Toni Sinclair
- Re: Sinclair building church in Orkney, Niven Sinclair
- Re: Pennicuik Sinclairs (James), DSinc39156
- Re: Sinclair Dates, Niven Sinclair
- Sinclair Dates, John S. Quarterman
- Re: Pennicuik Sinclairs (James), Francine Bernier
- Re: Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath Ur, Jenny-Louise Coster
- Re: Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath Ur, DJHSMFS
- Re: Pennicuik Sinclairs (James), Spirit One Email
December 27, 2000
December 26, 2000
December 25, 2000
December 24, 2000
- Re: just subscribed, Coqnord
- Re: sinclair-digest V2 #355, Myra Perala
- Merry Christmas, Okee730
- Re: family crest, Gary M. Sinclair
- Re: family crest, robert sinclair
- Xmas, David C. Sinclair
- Re: sinclair-digest V2 #355, Evelyn Hlabse
- just subscribed, tearlach
- Re: family crest, Gary M. Sinclair
- Re: Happy Christmas, Ian Sinclair
- Sinclair Dates, John S. Quarterman
- Re: Sinclair Dates, Jenny-Louise Coster
- Typo error, kermit
- To Good Times, kermit
- family crest, rsinclai
December 23, 2000
December 22, 2000
December 21, 2000
December 20, 2000
December 19, 2000
December 18, 2000
December 17, 2000
December 16, 2000
December 15, 2000
December 14, 2000
December 13, 2000
December 12, 2000
December 11, 2000
December 10, 2000
- RE: Oak Island markings, Rob Cohn
- Re: Christmas Poem, LAURASINCLAIR1
- Oak Island markings, William Buehler
- RE: Introduction to the Sinclair Discussion List, Mel Sinclair
- Louisiana Marriages, 1851-1900, CMelahn
- Introduction to the Sinclair Discussion List, John S. Quarterman
- Christmas Poem, donna willis
- Fwd: FW: A Thoughtful Poem, Selvermj
- Re:Subscribing, donna willis
- Sinclair Dates, John S. Quarterman
December 09, 2000
December 08, 2000
December 07, 2000
December 06, 2000
December 05, 2000
December 04, 2000
December 03, 2000
- Re: TARTAN TIES, Niven Sinclair
- Re: Fw: worth passing on, Spirit One Email
- Gordon Sinclair, John S. Quarterman
- No Subject, donna willis
- Re: Fw: worth passing on, donna willis
- Re: Fw: worth passing on, TimberlyA
- Re: Fw: worth passing on, Don Sinclair
- Sinclair Dates, John S. Quarterman
- Re: worth passing on, Spirit One Email
- Re: Fw: worth passing on, LAURASINCLAIR1
- Fw: worth passing on, dgiff245
December 02, 2000
- TARTAN TIES, Joan and Roy Sinclair
- Re: William St. Clair/ Sinclair, Ian Sinclair
- Re: History with a Sinclair connection, labehotierre
- Re: Tartans of Scotland - Index, Coqnord
- Re: letters re. "skull and bones" and "flake", labehotierre
- Re: Tartans of Scotland - Index, Toni Sinclair
- Re: My fit into the SinclairsI, Toni Sinclair
- Re: William St. Clair/ Sinclair, Stephen Cooper
- Re: Scotland's Royal Tribute to HRH The Queen Mother, July 2000, Euan Sinclair
- Royal Tribute Videos, Iain Laird
- Some Observations at 4am, DSinc39156
- My fit into the SinclairsI, deanlsinclair
- Re: Tartans of Scotland - Index, Rory Sinclair
- Sinclair Dates, John S. Quarterman
- Re: History with a Sinclair connection, Spirit One Email
December 01, 2000
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