Dear Timberly and others new to this site,
There is a place on to register
the names of the St. Clair/Sinclairs that have been in the various
Wars. Please send me name, date of birth (optional for the living)
wife's name, unit, place of service, where he was from, and any additional info
. Also you can add your E-mail address in the case of ancestors that you
are still researching and want to contact others on this line.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 6:07
Subject: Re: Fw: worth passing on
I saw a sticker on the back of a truck
the other day that read as follows: The Flavor of Peace stays
forever with those that have fought for it , unknown to those they
protected! My father is a WWII Veteran , he drove a landing
boats on shore in France on D -Day. When I watched the movie Saving
Private Ryan and saw how bloody the sea was I ask him, and he said Oh it
was worse! He said alot of the men jumping off his boat to shore would
drowned also in sink holes for their equipment was to heavy and they
couldnt get it off in time. I know as a child he never really would
talk about it until now. He was the fouth out of eight of his siblings
that inlisted and fought in WWII. His oldest sister was a Wack and his two
older brothers were in the Army. My father came home to my mother
Christmas Eve 1946 , with only the scares in his mind. All Four St.Clair
Children came home safely. My father lost his youngest brother in Korea ,
four days before his 18th birthday. I had cousins alot older then
myself that fought in Vietam, my fathers words were we have to do what we
have to do . Pr! ot! ect those that can't themselves as he said when I ask
about Desert Storm. He also told me never in his life time did he ever
dream that Russia as he knew it would fall or the walls in Germany would.
He said he had to fight because what was happening over seas could come
home to America ! He nor his siblings ever got a big award but the taste
of freedom still is with in them. They let it spill over to their children
and made us aware that our Freedom only comes with the price of our family
memebers that have fought. Timberly St.Clair Robertson