This is the information you receive upon subscribing to the electronic mailing list
sinclair@quarterman.orgIt is a mailing list for the extended Sinclair family. All relatives of the Sinclair family, including those with surnames spelled St. Clair, Sinkler, and other related families and people throughout the world, regardless of their surnames, are invited to participate. There is a copy of this message in the web page
``Never attack the individual. One can be in total disagreement with someone without denigrating him as a consequence.''
Pierre Elliot Trudeau, as told by Justin Trudeau
Members of Clan Sinclair U.S.A. are especially invited to participate, as are our cousins in Canada, Scotland, England, Wales, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and other parts of the world. All these organizations and locations are listed in the web pages,
In this list we try to stir up information. This is a discussion list; it will be confusing at times, and it often has many people going in different directions. For refined stories you will do well to also join one or more of the clan organizations so you can get their newsletters. And don't forget the Prince Henry Sinclair Society of North America,
The Subscriber hereby agrees and acknowledges that this Sinclair Discussion List is provided on a voluntary basis, without obligation or compensation of any kind. The Subscriber further agrees and acknowledges by applying to subscribe to, by subscribing to, or by accessing the Sinclair Discussion List that the subscription, and all access to The Sinclair Discussion List is a privilege, and is subject to the prior approval of, and acceptance of The Subscriber by The Sinclair Discussion List Provider. All Subscribers shall fully identify themselves before their application to join or communicate on The Sinclair Discussion List will be considered.The Sinclair Discussion List Provider as used herein shall mean any or all of the following; the individuals, companies, or their employees that provide time, technical facilities, or other resources, and any sponsors and individuals that assist directly or indirectly in maintaining the Sinclair Discussion List including without limitation of any of the forgoing; John Sinclair Quarterman, Quarterman Creations, Matrix.Net, Inc., and those individuals contributing to the provision of this Sinclair Discussion List.
The Subscriber may, without notice or reason of any kind, be refused access to the list, at any time or times. The Subscriber further agrees that the Sinclair Discussion List Provider assumes no responsibility of any kind for the communications on The Sinclair List including without limitation, the opinions, views, comments or information on the list, or of the use to which any communication may be put. All such communications and information contained on The Sinclair Discussion List are those of the Subscribers alone, and shall not directly or indirectly, be construed as those of, or attributed to The Sinclair Discussion List Provider.
The ListTo subscribe or to unsubscribe, use the web page note that after you successfully use the web form, it may still take a few hours for the subscription to take effect. This is because, in order to keep spam off the list, each new member has to be manually approved by the list owner. Such approval is usually done as soon as the list owner reads the request, but please remember that the list owner is an unpaid volunteer just like you, and possibly also your relative. Have patience. Once you are on the list, you will receive a copy of each message that is posted to the list. |
The DigestAlternatively, you can subscribe to the digest form of the list, by using the web page Then you will receive only one message a day, containing copies of all the list correspondence from the previous day. |
How to PostTo post a message to the list, send an electronic mail message , or use the web form When you subscribe, please also post a message to describing your relation (if any) to one of these families. You don't have to be a relative to subscribe, and for that matter probably most of the subscribers have not completely identified exactly how we are all connected. Remember, this is not a moderated list. There is no moderator. There is no publisher. No one decides what to publish. Postings are automatic. That's the power of the list. Post and hundreds of people get your message! As a subscriber said: ``It appears that you have unwittingly learned the beauty of this list post and they will respond!'' |
Look at your To: header!When a list member sends a message to the list, it goes to the list. There is no manual intervention. When it goes, it goes. Everybody gets it. There is no going back. It's gone. Don't ask me to stop a message for you. There is nothing I or anyone else can do about it, no more than we can make the sun rise in the west. Think before you post. Consider who you intend your message for. =>> Look at your To: header <<=to see who it will go to. If it says To: sinclair@quarterman.orgit will go to the list! You wouldn't throw a paper letter in the mail without looking at the address on it, would you? Take the same care with your electronic mail! |
How the List WorksWhenever anyone sends a message to the list,, each subscriber receives a copy of that message. Any subscriber can respond to that message, by sending another message to This way list subscribers can discuss topics of interest to the list.The only exceptions are messages that have some sort of error in them, such as a posting address that is not the one that the poster used to join the list, that causes them to bounce. In general, once you send it to the list, it goes to the list. Computers do all the work. Nobody intervenes. It's gone. It can't be stopped. It can't be taken back. Topics to Post to this ListThe topics that are of interest to the list are determined by the discussion in the list. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:
Cc: )
answers to such questions
to the list, rather than responding only to the person who asked the question.
That way, other interested parties on the list may find additional information.
Topics Not to Post to this ListCertain topics are forbidden on this list.
AttachmentsSuperfluous attachments have in the past caused more people to leave the list than any other thing. Therefore the list software now strips attachments automatically before postings reach the list.
PicturesAs you can see above, it is not possible to send pictures directly through the list.
ArchivesThe list is archived, and the archives are available online. The archives are searchable via, courtesy Paul Sinclair. The archives are also available to list members through Majordomo; for how, send mail to with the word "help" in the body (not subject) of the message.GuestbookPaul has also set up a GuestBook,, and he has arranged that entries in the guestbook are forwarded automatically to the list. He has even arranged for replies to guestbook entries on the list to be automatically forwarded to the person who made the original entry. |
List EtiquetteThere are numerous online compilations of etiquette guidelines, such as for Here is a compilation of etiquette guidelines that takes into account various topics that have come up on this list. CivilityThe list is what you, the list subscribers, make of it, and in order for you to make anything of it we must all get along.
Spelling, Quoting, HTML, and CAPS
Etiquette for posting genealogical information to this list
Etiquette for posting historical information to this list
VirusesDo not send virus reports to this list. Most virus reports turn out to be hoaxes, so forwarding a virus report without examination is like shouting fire in a crowded theater. To find out which are real and which are hoaxes, myths, and urban legends, try these URLs. But do not send virus reports to this list. |
List MaintainerThe list maintainer is John Sinclair Quarterman (jsq). Please note, once again, that what gets discussed in the list is determined by the members of the list. I am not a moderator; I do not decide what gets posted or not. I merely set up and maintain the mechanics of the list. The content of the list is up to you, the subscribers. |
From the List to the Web Pages![]() |