Sinclair Discussion List Digest
A Digest subscriber gets one message a day, consisting of a digest
of the list messages for that day.
Since the Sinclair Discussion List
can be quite verbose, many people prefer to subscribe
to the Digest instead.
Digest subscribers can post to the list just as direct List subscribers can.
The Subscriber hereby agrees and acknowledges that this Sinclair
Discussion List is provided on a voluntary basis, without obligation or
compensation of any kind. The Subscriber further agrees and acknowledges
by applying to subscribe to, by subscribing to, or by accessing the
Sinclair Discussion List that the
subscription, and all access to The Sinclair Discussion List is a
privilege, and is subject to the prior approval of, and acceptance of
The Subscriber by The Sinclair Discussion List Provider. All
Subscribers shall fully identify themselves before their application
to join or communicate on The Sinclair Discussion List will be
The Sinclair Discussion List Provider as used herein shall mean any
or all of the following; the individuals, companies, or their employees
that provide time, technical facilities, or other resources, and any sponsors
and individuals that assist directly or indirectly in maintaining the
Sinclair Discussion List including without limitation of any of the
forgoing; John Sinclair Quarterman, Quarterman Creations, Matrix.Net, Inc.,
and those individuals contributing
to the provision of this Sinclair Discussion List.
The Subscriber may, without notice or reason of any kind, be refused
access to the list, at any time or times. The Subscriber further
agrees that the Sinclair Discussion List Provider assumes no
responsibility of any kind for the communications on The Sinclair List
including without limitation, the opinions, views, comments or
information on the list, or of the use to which any communication may be
put. All such communications and information contained on The Sinclair
Discussion List are those of the Subscribers alone, and shall not
directly or indirectly, be construed as those of, or attributed to
The Sinclair Discussion List Provider.
Subscribe to the Sinclair Digest?
Please read the
list introduction first.
Then you may use the web form below to subscribe to the digest.
Please note that after you successfully use the web form,
your subscription still must be approved.
Once your subscription has been approved, you may
post to the list,
and you will receive daily a digest of the messages to the list each day.
When you subscribe, please also post a message to the list
describing your relation to Sinclair or a related family.
Last changed: 00/07/01 13:32:14