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Who posts to the list?
Ignoring September, which isn't over yet, here are statistics for this year,
Who is the most prolific poster? Moi. However, I readily admit I cheat,
in that most of my postings are not really me, they're the automated
daily Today postings. The two addresses I usually use add up like this:
199 + 140 = 339
Who then is the most prolific poster? He has also used two addresses
this year, and they add up like this:
199 + 113 = 312
You've probably guessed: it's our friend in France, Sinclair de la Behotiere.
For content, variety, references, and sense of humor he's got us all beat.
Let's see if we can live up to the standard he has set.
The top ten or so posters (9 addresses, 7 people, or 5% of subscribers)
account for more than 50% of the total postings,
about 30 posters (16%) account for 80% of the postings,
and about 50 posters (27%) account for 90% of the postings.
This is out of 141 posting addresses, and somewhat
fewer posting people, since some people have used more
than one address.
These prolific posters include Stan, Ian, Glen, Tim, Susan, Rory, Sally,
Annie, Donald, Joe, Laurel, Sinead, Judy, Mel, and Doug.
This is actually somewhat unusual, in that on this list it takes *more*
people to account for those percentages of postings than on typical lists.
In other words, the content of this list is provided by a diverse group
of people.
Another list I run has 1 person accounting for 66%,
3 people (12%) accounting for 80%
and 5 people (20%) accounting for 90% of postings;
For another it's 1 person for 65%,
5 people (9%) for 80%
and 17 people (30%) for 90% of postings.
Those are more typical list numbers. These are all small lists.
For larger lists, my experience has been about 10% of subscribers
post 80% of messages.
In other words, the Sinclair Discussion List has a more diverse group
of active posters than is typical for a small list, and actually looks
more like a larger list than it is. Apparently this is a rather
articulate bunch. And nothing stops any one of you from moving up
the appended statistics by posting interesting Sinclair-related content.
I encourage you to do so.
However, it's not necessary to post a lot to be interesting. Rory
isn't our most prolific poster, but when he does, every one is a gem.
Sally tends to summarize, and she pulls together points in her own way.
Annie can be silent for months and then she comes up with a topic that
nobody else ever posted. Etc. I bet each of you has at least one pearl
per month.
Detailed numbers per posting address are appended.
John S. Quarterman <jsq@quarterman.org>
posts % rank % from name
2131 100% 141 100%
199 9.34% 1 0.709% jsq@quarterman.com "John S. Quarterman"
199 18.7% 2 1.42% labehotierre@wanadoo.fr "Sinclair"
155 26% 3 2.13% srstclair@alltel.net "Stanley St. Clair"
140 32.5% 4 2.84% jsq@quarterman.org "John S. Quarterman"
113 37.8% 5 3.55% labehotiere@wanadoo.fr "Sinclair"
71 41.2% 6 4.26% books1@iinet.net.au Ian Newman
67 44.3% 7 4.96% CookSLC@aol.com
62 47.2% 8 5.67% tim@templartim.freeserve.co.uk "Tim Wallace-Murphy"
60 50% 9 6.38% SusanG1400@aol.com
56 52.7% 10 7.09% rory.sinclair@rogers.com "Rory Sinclair"
55 55.2% 11 7.8% esdemio@worldnet.att.net Sally Spangler
50 57.6% 12 8.51% laurel@spiritone.com "Spirit One Email"
45 59.7% 13 9.22% IDL64@aol.com Ivan of Trafalgar USA
43 61.7% 14 9.93% twallace-murphy@supanet.com "twallace-murphy"
37 63.4% 15 10.6% erkesjoe@nycap.rr.com Joe Erkes
37 65.2% 16 11.3% DSinc39156@aol.com
35 66.8% 17 12.1% wanda.sinclair@3web.net "Wanda Sinclair"
30 68.2% 18 12.8% melsinclair1@yahoo.com "Mel Sinclair"
30 69.6% 19 13.5% kevrik@shaka.com "Rika and Kevin"
28 71% 20 14.2% dweller@ramtops.demon.co.uk Doug Weller
27 72.2% 21 14.9% jhouck@avaya.com "Carter, Judy G (Judy)"
27 73.5% 22 15.6% sinead@milamba.com Jean Stokes
20 74.4% 23 16.3% asbalch@hal-pc.org "Adrian Sinclair Balch"
19 75.3% 24 17% iansinclair@nosshead.freeserve.co.uk "Ian of Noss Head"
18 76.2% 25 17.7% roslinne@fone.net "William S. Buehler"
18 77% 26 18.4% rinsin@globalserve.net "Neil Sinclair"
16 77.8% 27 19.1% andwhit@iafrica.com "Anderson Whittle"
15 78.5% 28 19.9% toni.woody@sympatico.ca "Toni Sinclair"
15 79.2% 29 20.6% jgrigsby@bcni.net "Jean Grigsby"
15 79.9% 30 21.3% ann.l.sinclair@wanadoo.fr "ann.l.sinclair"
15 80.6% 31 22% DJHSMFS@aol.com
14 81.2% 32 22.7% DKyler@abdick.com "Kyler, Dana"
14 81.9% 33 23.4% Bruce_Carlyon@syncsoft.com.au bruce carlyon
14 82.5% 34 24.1% lal@algonet.se Lena A Löfström
14 83.2% 35 24.8% sinclairnc@charter.net "Pam Sinclair"
14 83.9% 36 25.5% dly2@pacbell.net Deborah Gamble - Ly
13 84.5% 37 26.2% jliley@beehivecredit.com "John Liley"
12 85% 38 27% steve@planetcentral.com "Steve St. Clair"
12 85.6% 39 27.7% wginn@cox.rr.com "Ward Ginn"
10 86.1% 40 28.4% jeffnpat@nis.net jeffnpat
10 86.5% 41 29.1% neilcalyx@ns.sympatico.ca "Neil St. Clair"
9 87% 42 29.8% dragonsong@sbcglobal.net
9 87.4% 43 30.5% donsinc@shaw.ca Donald J Sinclair
8 87.8% 44 31.2% icsinclair@symphonytel.com "Ian Sinclair"
8 88.1% 45 31.9% pansmom@rocketmail.com Penelope Blair Hillyer Law
8 88.5% 46 32.6% henryroot2000@yahoo.com Henry Root
7 88.8% 47 33.3% KTenn36117@aol.com
7 89.2% 48 34% dcsinclair@attbi.com "David C. Sinclair"
6 89.4% 49 34.8% CGellis@aol.com
6 89.7% 50 35.5% Gnmsink@aol.com
6 90% 51 36.2% JSINCLAIRIII@aol.com
6 90.3% 52 36.9% R326McD@aol.com
6 90.6% 53 37.6% MSiperek@aol.com
6 90.8% 54 38.3% genealogist@clansinclairaustralia.org CSA Genealogist
6 91.1% 55 39% wginn@att.net "Ward Ginn"
5 91.4% 56 39.7% iansin@passport.ca Ian Sinclair
5 91.6% 57 40.4% iain.laird@totalise.co.uk "Iain Laird"
5 91.8% 58 41.1% wginn@cox.net "Bud Ginn"
5 92.1% 59 41.8% laurasinclair1@wideopenwest.com "laura"
5 92.3% 60 42.6% LAVERENTZH@aol.com
4 92.5% 61 43.3% prchevron@bigpond.com "Robert Sinclair"
4 92.7% 62 44% sinclairsclub@totalise.co.uk "<A HREF="mailto:mail@sinclairsclub.net">mail@sinclairsclub.net</A>"
4 92.9% 63 44.7% c1933s@gis.net Claire Simmons
4 93.1% 64 45.4% Laurel@spiritone.com "Laurel"
4 93.2% 65 46.1% arjackson@worldnet.att.net "A. R. Jackson"
4 93.4% 66 46.8% echoridg@ncia.net "Lois McGee"
4 93.6% 67 47.5% haggis@chartermi.net "David & Gloria Bouschor"
4 93.8% 68 48.2% bginn@bellsouth.net "Bryan Ginn"
4 94% 69 48.9% RBranshaw@aol.com
4 94.2% 70 49.6% Toomean2@aol.com
4 94.4% 71 50.4% kkurtz@iol.ie "Katherine Kurtz"
4 94.6% 72 51.1% sthelens@earthlink.net "Mike Sinclair"
3 94.7% 73 51.8% sinclair1@adelphia.net John Sinclair
3 94.8% 74 52.5% templar1314@subdimension.com John Lyall
3 95% 75 53.2% dgiff245@comcast.net Dorothy Gifford
3 95.1% 76 53.9% pilgrim99@prodigy.net "Steve & Connie Sinclair - Cordis"
3 95.3% 77 54.6% famhistory@ev1.net "Karen Leiber"
3 95.4% 78 55.3% evelynhlabse@mac.com Evelyn Hlabse
3 95.5% 79 56% annette.s@octa4.net.au "Annette Smith"
3 95.7% 80 56.7% Peterd@hagley.school.nz Peter Dillon
3 95.8% 81 57.4% DaneBowen@aol.com
3 96% 82 58.2% kjmath@austin.rr.com "Karen Matheson"
3 96.1% 83 58.9% janek@arobas.net Réseau DMD
3 96.2% 84 59.6% badger.s@xtra.co.nz "Joan and Roy Sinclair"
3 96.4% 85 60.3% kendeb52@yahoo.com Ken DeB
3 96.5% 86 61% Okee730@aol.com
2 96.6% 87 61.7% asa@saintclairfinancial.com "Asa Williams"
2 96.7% 88 62.4% drgnrose@pacbell.net
2 96.8% 89 63.1% Wholylite@aol.com
2 96.9% 90 63.8% MoonFoods@aol.com
2 97% 91 64.5% dave@fuzzo.com "David M. Lawrence"
2 97.1% 92 65.2% wanda.l.sinclair@3web.net "Wanda L. Sinclair"
2 97.2% 93 66% ANNSINCLAIR@wanadoo.fr "Annie"
2 97.3% 94 66.7% iain.laird@btinternet.com "Iain Laird"
2 97.4% 95 67.4% GMccul2744@aol.com
2 97.5% 96 68.1% kimmyann_1969@yahoo.com Kimmyann
2 97.6% 97 68.8% rsgrove@mindspring.com Russell Sinclair Grove
2 97.7% 98 69.5% niven@niven.co.uk Niven Sinclair
2 97.7% 99 70.2% TimberlyA@aol.com
2 97.8% 100 70.9% CMelahn@aol.com
2 97.9% 101 71.6% iain@sinclairsclub.net "Iain"
2 98% 102 72.3% sseltz3@mindspring.com "Scott Seltzer"
2 98.1% 103 73% Selvermj@aol.com
2 98.2% 104 73.8% jsq@vim.quarterman.com "John S. Quarterman"
2 98.3% 105 74.5% ntc120@txc.net.au "Judy Koerber"
1 98.4% 106 75.2% bonsall@socket.net "Gary & Deb Bonsall"
1 98.4% 107 75.9% joe__89c@hotmail.com "JOseph Craighead"
1 98.5% 108 76.6% charlotte_gellis@hotmail.com "Charlotte Gellis"
1 98.5% 109 77.3% lfghm@msn.com "Gail H. Mottola"
1 98.5% 110 78% ann@sinclair.ch "Annie"
1 98.6% 111 78.7% goff1063@bellsouth.net "James Goff"
1 98.6% 112 79.4% thirdmilleniumgallery@onebox.com "Third Millenium Gallery"
1 98.7% 113 80.1% templar@net-link.net "Jerry Gibbons"
1 98.7% 114 80.9% christine@desoto.net "christine"
1 98.8% 115 81.6% dsinclai@bccancer.bc.ca Don Sinclair
1 98.8% 116 82.3% myrbil@shaw.ca Myrna & Bill Sinclair
1 98.9% 117 83% gsoulier@rogers.com "rchrd1"
1 98.9% 118 83.7% farleydog@hscis.net "Carolyn and Mel Laidlaw"
1 99% 119 84.4% angsinc@oxford.net "Angus Sinclair"
1 99% 120 85.1% chief@clansinclair.org "Malcolm Caithness"
1 99.1% 121 85.8% bogie@csiway.com "Steve & Gaynor DeWeese"
1 99.1% 122 86.5% kanawha@btinternet.com "James Sinclair"
1 99.2% 123 87.2% ksinclair@blessedsacrament.com.au "Ken Sinclair"
1 99.2% 124 87.9% sinclrig@netspace.net.au "Ian Sinclair"
1 99.2% 125 88.7% darwinramsey@hotmail.com "darwin ramsey"
1 99.3% 126 89.4% deanlsinclair@hotmail.com "dean sinclair"
1 99.3% 127 90.1% wedward2@rochester.rr.com "Bill Edwards"
1 99.4% 128 90.8% smarsh@hfx.eastlink.ca smarsh
1 99.4% 129 91.5% hartley@kootenaycable.com "Keith & Ramona Hartley"
1 99.5% 130 92.2% RSinclair2@aol.com
1 99.5% 131 92.9% bremmer@zetnet.co.uk "Gordon Johnston"
1 99.6% 132 93.6% lhunter2@wi.tds.net "Lisa Hunter"
1 99.6% 133 94.3% usceccor@dtccom.net Robert Sinclair
1 99.7% 134 95% ronsinclair@currantbun.com "ronsinclair"
1 99.7% 135 95.7% trappen@pacbell.net Dick & Susie
1 99.8% 136 96.5% rmason1@socal.rr.com "Ray Mason"
1 99.8% 137 97.2% angie000002@yahoo.com
1 99.9% 138 97.9% di@hagley.school.nz "Peter Dillon"
1 99.9% 139 98.6% bremmer@unisonfree.net "Gordon Johnston"
1 100% 140 99.3% r.donovan@tcu.edu "R. Nowell Donovan"
1 100% 141 100% fstclair@airmail.net "Frank St. Claire"
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@quarterman.org
[ To get off or on the list, see http://sinclair.quarterman.org/list.html