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Dear Sinclair,
Pike was the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction. He re-wrote many of the Scottish Rite rituals. The man was well before his time and extremely learned. He wrote in a manner in which the reader would have to read up on things to understand what he wrote.
I am a Free Mason and recently went to Lodge in Inverness. I attended Old Inverness Killwinings St. John's # 6 on the roles of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. St. John's was one on the Founding Lodges of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. The GL of Scotland I think was founded 1736. They have the Charter for the # 6 in that year (1736 ?) and the original Charter from some 500 years ago. I did not see the exact date but the Brother's of # 6 were quite proud of that fact. I can not say this for sure but I think there is a St. Clair name on that Charter. I will e-mail them and ask.
If you want to read till you drop about Pike and Masonry in general please check out my Lodge's Website at www.wasatchlodge.org That should answer most Masonic questions and I will attend to others that know more than me and try to answer your questions.
Yours Aye,
John Liley