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James & Mary Sinclair, Glasgow > St. Marys, Perth Co. Ont. > US
Hello Listers and especially Angus,
I have recently rejoined the list and here is my Sinclair genealogy:*
Angus you are the only one who has mentioned Donald Sinclair and Mary
McCallum or McCallum McIntyre.I have corresponded with someone in your
line who thought I got it wrong, that it should be Duncan Sinclair
and Mary Jean or Jane McCallum, but I think my James would be the right
(b.1801) to be Duncan's brother and my grandfather may have forgotten or
didn't know of the name McIntyre. My gt.gt.grandfather James would
have been in his teens when Duncan, and brothers and sister came to E.
St. Andrews. Perhaps James is the one other child left behind. If so, would
he have taken care of his parents? When did they die?
I have another question for the list. Do you have any Robert Lloyds or
Lloyds in your Sinclair families?
My aunt told me that Lloyd, Dickson, and Lisle were family names, but she
didn't know what families. I found
out that Dickson was my gt.gt.grandmother's maiden name. Lisle was Jannet
Sinclair's husband's name, see below.
I have seen the name Robert Lloyd Sinclair somewhere and am curious to learn
if anyone if familiar with this name. One of my grandfather's brothers was
Robert Lloyd Sinclair.
Also I would appreciate knowing if it is possible to find out the
parents of James Sinclair and Mary Dickson from
their marriage record either from old parrochial records of Barony or the
registry ?
If this is the same family as Angus, then here is another out and out
*1. Donald Sinclair and Mary McCallum source: my grandfather's memory of
his family legend. He thought they came from Inveraray.
* 2. James Sinclair b. 1801 probably Inveraray, Argyllshire
m. Mary Dickson b. ca 1813, 12 July 1833, Barony,Glasgow,Lanark,
children born in Scotland:
3. Janet or Jannet, christened 27 Aug. 1834, Parish of Barony, Glasgow
m. Thomas Lisle of Blanshard Twp. Ontario 27 February 1851
3. Mary, christened 16 July 1836, Barony, Glasgow
3. James b. 3 June 1838, christened 24 June 1838, Barony, Glasgow
m. 8 December 1861 Eliza Mulligan b. Ireland, witness Jane
*3. Alexander b. 8 December 1839, christened 12 January 1840, Barony,
Glasgow--my gt.grandfather --Alex d. 28 April 1910 St. Marys
m. Jane Emily Oliver ca. 186? Jane d 192? Sandwich,
5 sons:
4. Daniel James b 1868 b. Can. m Mary Elizabeth Hamilton 5 June
1889 d. 1939 St. Marys > London,Ont. ca. 1913
children: Violet La Reine b. 20 Aug. 1890 m. James Milton
Lankin 2 sons Milton, Samuel, 1 dau. La Reine
who married ? Edwards-dau. Deana King
Daniel Le Roy ( Roy) b. 25 Sept. 1892 m. May
Lillian b 12 July 1897 m. Gerald Spearin, son
? Hubert James Sinclair b. 1901 (believe this
child's mother d. at birth and was raised by
Daniel and Mary
as the present living relatives have the ? )
m. Evelyn Dicks -
son Daniel James Sinclair
Robert Lloyd b. 22 July 1904 m. Mary Holt,
fireman London city
no children
Richard Charles b. 21 July 1906-11 March 1969
London, Ont.
m. 1. Winifred Ward- 3 children
m. 2. Rita Parker -3 children
Annie Marguerite ( Marguerite) b. 21 Feb.
1908-18 June 1976
m. George H, Robbins b. 14 Oct. 1901 -
18 June 1975
London, Ont - 6 children
Dahlia Elizabeth b. 4 Feb. 1909 m. Clifford
Laskey -2 children
Daisy Stella ( Stella ) b. 14 Aug. 1910 m.
William Robson or Robinson
Madeline Pansey b.12 Aug.1912 St. Marys d. 13
Oct 1992
m 1. Russell Michael m. 2. Wesley
children: Jackeline Stella b. 4 Oct. 1941 m.
one dau. living
Judy May Elizabeth b. 23 Nov.
1949 m.--
son & dau.living
Shirley Marguerite b. ?
5 children living
Reta Lillian b. 16 April 1952
2 daughters living
Helen Georgina b. 23 October
1954 one son living
Bobby b. 1929 d. 1936
The following children d. in a fire
29 December 1950 London,
Russell Michael b. 1937
Audrey b. 1942
David b. 1945
Betty b. 1946
Lariene Violet b. 1948
( above living not named for reasons of
privacy )
4. Thomas Lisle b. 1870 Ontario, but reg.as b. 12 April 1870
Brighton MA, USA he died 1947-
m. Roseyett Holman b. 1871 d. 1952
St.Marys to London in 1920 occ. barber, bur. St. Marys
children: Greta Merle 1898-1958 m. Alexander Rieger d. 1955
Brighton, Ont. no issue
Lisle 1900 - 1978 m Anne Peace lived in
London occ. RR conductor St. Marys, and
one dau. Joyce 1932 -1998 or 9 m. Jim
and their son
Douglas -Calgary,
H.(Harold) Raymond b. 22 October 1922 -199?
m. Helen Humber b.1910 Stratford and
Occ. teacher and v.Prin.Stratford
Central School no
4. William Alexander b. 18 November 1872 Brighton, Mass.
physician in Somerville and Sandwich, MA m. Susan Gilbert
children: 3 sons all deceased: Oliver, Wallace, and Charles
4. Robert Lloyd b. 1875 Ont. d. 1918 New Bedford, MA of the Flu
m. Gertrude Cliff 28 August 1907, Fall River, Mass.
2 children: William Alexander 1 Dec 1908 - 29 January, 1976
m. Eleanor Bills Williamson 30 November
Providence RI
2 daughters: Gertrude Elizabeth
Regina Elizabeth
Dorothy Eleanora Sinclair 31 March 1916
FallRiver, MA,
m. Harold Coggleshall Thomas 29 April 1950
Cranston RI -no children
*4. George Dickson b. 10 June 1878 St. Marys, d. 1956 Onset, Mass.
m. June 1903 Beatrice Caroline Whiting b. 30 September 1877
Fall River, MA >Somerville, MA
(3) children Milton George b. 1905 m Helen Callaghan
* Earl Randolph b. 1910 m. M. Alice
1930 Somerville, MA divorced.
children: * Lois Marie b.1930 m Edward F.
McGee, Jr. 1952, Barre, MA>
children: Katherine
Patricia Anne b.1934 m.
Richard A Beniot 1956
children: Theresa
Richard, Jr.
Genevieve Elizabeth b. 1914 ( living) m
Leonard A. Chesworth ( d.)
children: Nancy Gene- 4 children
Leonard Albert,
Jr.-no children
Scott Alan -one
Lee -3children
3. children of James and Mary born in Canada:
3. John b. 1842
3. Robert b. 1844
3. Catherine b. 1847
3. George b. 1851
In 1842 James and Mary emigrated from Scotland to St. Marys, Blanshard
Twp., Perth Co. Ontario, Canada.
1842 was the date that Blanshard was offered for settlement and in 1842 a
son, John, was born to James and Mary.
According to Greta Milne, a local historian, John was the first child born
in Blanshard.
The census of 1851 for St. Marys:
James Sinclair b. Scot age 51, Mary 39, Jannet 18, Mary 16, James 14,
Alex 13,
John b. Can. 10, Robert 8, Jane 6, Catherine 3, George 1 and William 8
(?) we don't know who this is, possibly a relative.
Our family legend of gt.grandfather Alexander is he was born in Glasgow,
came to St. Marys as a small boy, and when he was a young man he rode "shot
for the Fargo Stage Co. from St.Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento California
was often attacked by Indians. This could be around 1860 when he was missing
from the 1861 census.
James and Mary ?, son Alexander, my gt. grandfather, and wife Jane
Emily came to Boston,
Massachusetts in 1870 and settled in Brighton, now a part of Boston. There
were other family members, but I have yet to find out just who. In 1875 or
James died in Boston. Alex and Jane and sons Daniel, Thomas and William
returned to St. Marys. James' obit: " one brother Robert of Rochester, NY"
Sometime in the 1880's Alex and Jane and five sons moved to the
outskirts of Winnepeg where they had
relatives. Alex was a factor for the Hudson Bay Co. at lower Fort Garry
before the family came back to Boston or Brighton.
My grandfather, George ( age 19 )went back to Brandon, Manitoba to
help harvest the wheat, one more time, but got sick and was put on the
for Boston. "He was never so cold in all his life and shivered all the way.
His parents had moved and people from his church sent for them. He was sick
for a long time after that." I wonder if he had Typhoid.
When baby-sitting my sister and me he used to entertain us with his
hunting stories
in Manitoba and Alberta. Place names like Moose Jaw and
Medicine Hat would send us into gales of laughter. He even mentioned a
castle in (unknown) Scotland, to a ten year old that was pretty exciting.
"Let's go, Grandpa", we said, only to be told we couldn't afford to cross
the ocean,
let alone maintain the place. That could have been a bed-time story.
George was proud of his Canadian and Scottish heritage. He even had a tin
and blue plaid bathtub shipped down from Canada. No one else in the family
quite liked it.
He was very athletic, baseball and tennis and loved to whistle and had a
passion for
Canadian mints. He would have loved going to the present day gatherings.
Sorry if this is pretty "ho-hum" for you all. I am in hopes someone will
know or recognize some of these names and e-mail me. Don't worry I
promise not to drop in for tea.
I enjoy reading the discussion list it is my first thing to do each morning.
(digest form )
Regards to all,
Lois S. McGee in the beautiful White Mts. of N.H.
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