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Re: For Glen Cook, demise of the Templars???
>John wrote "Curious how the current Vatican still recognizes that Bull as
>having done just that"
>The Vatican does not recognise it since Cum ex Apostolatus
>officio,published by Pope Paul VI (reigned 1963-1978). He declared "by the
>plenitude of papal power" that all of the acts of heretical popes were null
>and void. "
>The excommunication would not be Ex post facto. The excommunication would
>be instant and automatic at the time of the heresy. As a heretic, by Cannon
>Law no act could be valid from the time of the heresy.
That may be the current RC position. Nonetheless, unless the pope has
a time machine, the locals back in the 14th century wouldn't have known
about this excommunication until it happened, nor had any of them heard
of Pope Paul VI. Meanwhile, they would have continued to act on the
papal Bull Ad ea ex quibus of 1319 as a valid administrative order.
Not only that, but a long sequence of successive popes,
regarded the order chartered by the Bull Ad ea ex quibus of March 15th
by Pope John XXII as a valid order, to which they made modifications,
such as:
* the appointment of the Infante Dom Enrique (Henry the Navigator)
as Grand Master in 1420 (presumably by Pope Martin V).
* the episcopal concessions of Pope Calixtus III in 1455.
* the appointment of Manuel of Portugal as Grand Master in the Bull
Constante fide of 30 June 1516 (presumably by Pope Leo X).
* the appointment of his son as Grand Master in the
Bull Eximiae devotionis of 14 April 1522 (presumably by Pope Adrian VI).
* the "Perpetual Administration" by the crown of all the Portuguese
Military Orders, in a Bull of Julius III.
And on to the present day, the Order of Christ has a continuous history
recognized by the papacy, which still reserves the right to award membership
in it.
Still looking forward to your translation of the Papal Bull Ad ea ex quibus.
No rush; it's been 683 years; a few more weeks won't matter.
John S. Quarterman <jsq@quarterman.org>