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Re: Prince Henry & The PHSSofNA
Dear Cousins,
Neil has provided a new fact for you to consider. I hope you recognize
this. A new source, a new reference to most of you. It presents the
viewpoint of the people of that day in that part of the world that Henry's
grandfather, Malise, was addressed as "Prince of Orkney".
Not only did Henry's grandfather carry the title of Prince of Orkney, but
now we see that Malise's g. grandson, Henry and g.g. grandson William (the
one that built Rosslyn) were thusly titled. Here are actual statement
written during that era. It is hard to think that Henry would have been
denied this title if the Jarls before and after him held it.
It seems apparent that the 3 St. Clair Jarls of Orkney were all called
Prince also.
I have a copy of the " Rosslyn, Its Castle, Chapel and Senic Lore" by
Will Grant in which he also quotes these same words that came from pages
51-55 of the "Records of the Earldom of Orkney".
Please take the time to read the Proofs of this journey written by Niven
Sinclair that appear at www.clansinclairusa.org/per_ph_misc.htm or from
the home page click on Prince Henry St. Clair and see all the information
concerning him, the link to the PHSSNA, Zenos, the proofs of Niven, etc.
Niven has sent a list of his proofs, which may contain more than what I
put there. I did not copy from his book but just from several messages he
has sent over the last few years so the web list may be incomplete. Will
have to access this. But in the meantime, there is plenty for all of you to
learn. You keep asking for answers, please go read what is available first
and then decide what what ques tions really remain.
> I have in my possession a 'Guide to Rosslyn Chapel & Castle, Hawthornden
> &c. by The Rev. John Thompson F.S.A., Chaplain to the Right Hon. the
> Earl of Rosslyn, presented to an indulgent public - Easter 1892' -
> printed in Edinburgh, Scotland. ----- On page 24 it states:
> ******"SIR WILLIAM, the eighth Baron from David I. He married Isabel or
> Elizabeth de Stratherne, daughter and co-heiress of Malise, Prince of
> Orkney, Earl of Caithness & Stratherne. He died in 1358 and was
> succeeded by his son,
> SIR HENRY, who thus became first Prince of Orkney, recognition whereof
> he obtained from Hakon VI., King of Norway, 1379" (I, Neil, must assume
[ Excess quotations omitted. ]
> William as the third and last Prince of Orkney.
> Because of common usage from long ago until the present and of Henry's
> depicted sterling character this organization will continue to refer to
> Henry St. Clair as 'Prince' Henry.
> Neil St. Clair (director in the PHSSofNA)
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