----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 3:21
Subject: Re: Glooscap translation?
Dear Bro Bill
off list
Gillascop is Gaelic for Archibald. I have spelt
Scrymgeour both the old and new ways.
On August 1, 1240, in what
appears to be the earliest royal grant of lands ever made in the region of
Argyll, which encompasses much of western Scotland, Gillascop and Eoghan
became the recipients of a charter provided by Scotland’s King Alexander II.
The grant was made in apparent gratitude for the support rendered by the two
brothers for the king’s successful military campaign against the Norse who
controlled the western islands. The grant was however a formality in that
Gillascop and Eoghan were already in possession of the land --- land
approximating 100,000 acres which they had inherited from their father. Among
the lands recorded as belonging to Gillascop were the five pennylands of
Fynchairn (or, Fincharn), the two Rudols which bordered Fincharn, and
Glenfynport and Letherlochake which were on the Cowal side of Loch Fyne.
Belonging to Eoghan were the lands of Crageneure (Cragenywyr), the pennyland
of Penig Corthen, and Naheass which was probably Achachois.
Dudhope Castle is the ancient
home of the Scrimgeour clan John Graham of Claverhouse
(Bonnie Dundee) was a Scrimgeour 'on the distaff side’. Earl and Countess of
Dundee are chief of the clan they live in Birkhill Cupar Fife and host the
annual clan gatherings. The Wallace monument in Stirling has a tribute
to Alexander Scrimgeour, one of Wallace's principal supporters.
as ever
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 11:00
Subject: Glooscap translation?
Subject: word "glooscap/gillascop"
To anyone who knows any form of Gaelic, old
English or French:
I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried to
translate the "name" Glooscap or Gillascop (as in "Gillascop Scrymgeour, hereditary Bannerman of the Scottish
monarchy"). Supposing that we are looking at a title rather than a family
name? This might be an official, semi-official or just a familiar nick-name
used as a title. The title includes the idea of an unofficial office
or function of some sort ...for example: "Sparks" as a radio operator.
Just to amuse myself in an idle hour I checked
Dwelly's for the three word sounds in the "name." There are a number of
translations and connections that I find quite intriguing but I'm interested
in hearing other from persons with firm accepted translations, if any. Also
if any source of the name is available.
Bill Buehler