"Australia's population has increased steadily by 1 to 2 per
cent per annum during the past 10 years.
At 31 December 1997, the Australian resident population was 18.6 million, an increase of 208 000 people (or 1.1 per cent) since 31 December 1996. Natural increase - the excess of births over deaths - has contributed more to population growth than overseas migration during the 1990s. However, Australia's fertility rate has continued to decline and on average, women are having less than 1.8 babies; this is 6 per cent lower than five years ago. Based on our below replacement and declining fertility rate, the current immigration intake and current immigration policies, Australia's population is likely to peak at around 23 million by the middle of next century" the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs figures show approximately 8,600 people per year leaving to reside abroad since 1947 the out of country citizens is projected at about 300,000 source Multicultural Affairs, Canberra, on 1 February 1999.
Sinclair ----- Original Message -----