I'm quite surprised to find out that the
Caucasian people of India and Pakistan have become Black!
There are only 5 races of man.
Johann Frederich Blumenbach, a German
anthropologist studied skulls and broke all of mankind down into the five
Caucasian - which covers Europe, Middle East,
North Africa and their descendants elsewhere
East Asians - the largest race of man, including
Native American
Mongoloids - Chinese, Japanese, Koreans - the
term means "like Mongols"
Micronesians - laying between the Asiatics or
Mongoloid people and Melanesians
Negro - those originating from south of the
Over the centuries there has been a lot of
in-breeding. Indigenous populations such as the Aborigines of Australia,
although they are dark skinned, are not related to the Negroids. They are
usually qualified as a sub-race of the Caucasian family similar to the Vedda of
Sri Lanka. In strict scientific terms "race" refers to the genetic
composition of a population. Many individuals can be classified as
belonging to more than one race due to intermarriage.
Racial characteristics are biological.
Ethnicity brings divergent languages and cultures. It is taught rather
than inherited. Racial, linguistic and cultural origins are independent of one
another. Racial concepts are often misapplied. There is no
difference in race in inherit intelligence or mental capacity that cannot be
explained by environment.
As Ever,
P.S. Sometimes one race will act as if it is
superior to another. Only in the case of Scots is this true- we are
clearly superior to everyone. Those of us Scots or of Scots descent have
known this for centuries. The rest of the world has simply been failed to
be informed of this. While not actually a race of man, we are a unique
breed of man. It is probably the result of good whisky :p