This note ties into the previous "psychic"
inputs re the Cross at Nova Scotia, also my commentaries on the Zeno Chart
as a "consciousness" schematic describing the Grail dynamics
overlaying the physical "reality." This understanding is also the
key to reading the Narrative a mystery writing. Some of the addees on
this list will not have seen my stuff but if they are particularly
interested they may request what copies might have survived my computer
These are my own (not psychic) views based on personal
intuition (about 60% clairsentient). I completely and most enthusiastically
concur with not disturbing the Cross site! This is not based on the
reasonable requirement for responsible archeology, which should be obvious,
but on the probable need for not violating sacred seals. Same as at Rosslyn
and to avoid the serious error at Gizeh impacting negatively on all of human
evolution at this critical time. Not a small matter at all.
Thoth has identified the Oak Island
"Pit" as the most sacred in terms of the very ancient Grail
labyrinth, et al, along with the Halifax church. This ties into the Long
Island site where the Statue of Liberty now stands ...a large and amazing
story in itself! However regarding the Cross, it is my strong feeling that
this site should be thought of as an energetic matrix polarizing with the
"Pit" or "Grail Labyrinth." In keeping with this concept
I believe that Henry would not have wished to be buried in the Labyrinth
site, it being too holy for what he would have seen as desecration. But he
would have wished to be interred at the Cross. My second guess would be at
the Manduk, "Westford Knight" site, or at least one of his bones
there. The "right thigh bone" comes to mind in keeping with the
TITAN Earth Grid for Europe wherein the "Titan" contains and
secures the Christic mysteries at Rennes le Chateau. These keys and codes
would have related to the "Olgive" sacred dynamics passed on to
the Clan Sinclair (including the para-genetic Sinclairs) via the Apostles
Nathaniel and Jachannen. The Knight's position and function provides the
codes for the huge intercontinental Reshel grid system found in Europe
including all the Grail core grids, Rosslyn being the key controller.
Henry was not the only one carrying the Olgive codes,
most of the other expedition members did also, however he did have the
direct karmic link with Nathaniel so would have felt the responsibility
..."blood and bone" as you say, and the
responsibility understood only when contemplating the idea that he gave up
his temporal heritage to return forever to Nova Scotia. Relics of other
expedition members would have also been used in the Templar
I have inserted a few highly potent bits of information above that
must clearly not be widely bled into the jungle of the Racial Mind in its
lower dimensional levels. I do think, however, that a number of Clan and
para-genetic Sinclairs should know that there are some fairly large issues
involved even though they perhaps seem pretty wild at first exposure.
Perhaps there might be enough credibility at least to approach the
excavation of the Cross (and Rosslyn) with utmost care and cooperation with
angelic, devic and hierarchical sources.
Continuing with the idea that the Cross site is the extended matrix
of the Grail Labyrinth, The complex of buildings, chapel, cemetery and
energetic nodes ...a unified matrix... must be considered as the primary
Grail castle-temple for North America. This in keeping with the original
intention of interring original Grail Kings in the future Americas, in the
I believe that ALL the seal-sites in NS should remain undisturbed,
assuming that they form the effective foundation of the collective
"Grail Castle" which is multi dimensional. True, physical humans
have a dharmic responsibility to reboot the system and to upgrade it to
phase into the present Metatronic acceleration. BUT there is a closely held
orchestration and timing to it all, world wide. Or SHOULD be but for
ignorant savants who exercise Free Will to screw the whole thing up! These
systems date back to the Atlan priests of Ruta who installed the Reshel
grids in Europe and Americas. The Templars understood the grids and employed
them in the Marian cathedrals including Rosslyn and in the resonant earth
grids. The Rutans, and the ennead cell Templars knew the "5th World
Prophecies" that foretold this present time, prompting the vast
installation. The Kosovo situation is the key trigger to the Prophecies'
activation. Humanity is at a cross roads decision point: Transition or
"Ascension" into the next and new continuum (Metatronic, full
light) OR the hell of another whole recycling. A grim idea but Free Will
applies. It is a matter of being able to accept and exercise divine Grace.
That translates, albeit somewhat obscurely, as "the Grail" or the
effective content of the Christic Olgive codes.
And that is what the Cross site, within the larger matrix of NS and
planetary Reshel formats, actually is. The best archeologists in the world
are a danger unless they are working with the responsible angelic and
hierarchical orders. Working, that is, with accurate communications and also
with Grail consciousness that would make this possible. Do I expect too
much? Certainly not. Its taken us thousands of years to learn it, the hard
way generally; we have no excuse.
While I'm on my soap box I might as well throw in Green
Oaks as an important time gate site in the composite matrix. I don't have my
map available so I'm relying on what used to be called my
"memory", now just one long "Senior Moment." The Zeno
Chart shows the 28-point rhombus "L" Gate as the center of one of
the two Grail core grids, on the golden ratio line in the other core grid
stretching to NS. Multiplying 28x1.618 gives 45.3, the effective latitude of
the gate re the Green Oaks site. To accurately determine the position would
require having the Templar knowledge of the Reshel and Rosslyn's geometry.
The "mystery of the 28" is still open but we are closing in on it.
The obvious connection, one of them, is the lunar month. 28x13 = 364 plus
the "day out of time" or Selah gap. The Rosslyn-Cintra-Rome
triangle (Astara Grid) locates and combines the two orbits of Venus (260 and
225 days) which is more obvious when we overlay Leonardo da Vinci's spread
eagled man on the grid. The Venus double orbit, itself a "secret"
we also are seeing in Crop Circles, then locates the Earth's orbit and the
rest of the Reshel grid for Europe (one of several). The generating Christos
pole for this whole thing is Ruta at 49N, 29W over the Faraday Seamounts
(former Rutan island group). This whole thing would take hours to explain,
with graphics.
The key idea is that the 13th Ray/Aspect expanded 28
times, and using the golden ratio rhombus or "Eye of Ra" as Thoth
calls it, opens up the whole Universe (several of them) and more. But only
when the operators are in a Christic, Metatronic valence (quality of
balanced charge/strength). Or restated: the Grail state of being. The
Templars used Hebrew as a primary code. "28" is the word Koach
translating "strength, vigor, to be firm, capacity, means, to produce
or manifest, a large reptile (lizard)." This last might relate to the
Shamir in Henrys' Arms which then connects into "guarding and
preserving, watching" the European Grail Grid found in Henrys' Arms
covering all of Great Britain from Orkney to Liverpool. The Greek
"28" or Ek means "out of, from" and is the "Holy
Separate" or Selah divine Essence beyond light, etc.. Combining the two
languages gives us a sense of the basic requirement for operating the Reshel
dynamic including the time gates. "Oak" is a holy tree but in
Hebrew it is "elah" or the soul of El along with many other
relevant meanings including "strength." The synergic unity of the
"Elohs" (gods) gives us "Elohim." An understanding of
the Hebrew alphabet code describes the "eloh" as our own magna
(high) soul. We are the "gods" when we are in the El harmonic. The
alphabet code describes the "EL" as a divine creation field shown
as a Taurus sign expanded via a golden ratio spiral (using the protosiniatic
glyphs). It becomes more complicated from there. This is a many layered
situation with overlaying grids.
It boils down to the admonition: "Don't mess with
the place unless you know what you're about." And that means, to me
anyway, the need to become a working team mate with the Hierarchy. This is
possible and thousands are doing it now with varying degrees of efficiency.
However, the minimum qualification is to approach this situation within the
frequency range of the Metatronic Ranna Time Wave. In elementary terms this
equates with "Christ Consciousness." Nor is that too much to
expect, its what we humans are designed to do. Its the Sinclair
Blessings Be...
Reference your note:
Dear John, Yes I agree that the New Cross
site should be preserved. It is typical of the sites which the
Sinclairs used for their Castles i.e. high above the sea and with easy
access to the Atlantic Ocean and the Bay of Fundy. Cap d'Or has the
fastest tidal rip in the World.
I have some photographs of the site
plus plans which were prepared by a psychic who had visited the
There can be litle doubt that Henry surveyed the entire area by
triangulation - a method which was continued by Samuel de Champlain who may
also have been a Templar.
As you say, there are red
oaks on Oak Island and white oaks at Green Oaks. Was
this a hidden message to let us know that the Templars had visited Nova
Scotia just as Newport Tower with its 8 pillars (the octagon within the
circle) gives us the same message.
You should get in touch with Bill
Mann who probably knows more about this subject than anyone else in North
America. I have taken the liberty of copying this communication to
As my communications to the Sinclair page are not going through
I am taking the precaution of sending this to other addressees in the hope
that this one will filter through.
Communication is the name of the
game. It enriches us all by allowing us to share the many facets of
our wonderful heritage.