For Jenny-Louise: I gave you information
about Wick, but neglected to respond to your inquiry about William. I have
plenty of Sinclairs who were born all around Wick, but for the year you gave me
- 1822 - the only thing I have is my own g-grandfather, James Richard Munro
Sinclair, born in 1822 in Edinburgh. Failing tofind a farmer named James in my
line, I checked the children of my ancestors in Dun, but the only William was of
Brabsterdorran. My sources don't tell me much about the sons and their
offspring, but I'll bet you could find out something through the Caithness
sources I gave you. There's more information about "city" people
as a rule and 1822 isn't that far back, amd I seem to recal that Wick has some
pretty good data sources for birth, marriage, and deaths of their town
Ray Lower