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[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
[ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
Laurie Sinclair wrote:
> [ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
> [ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
> -------
> Hi Della-
> I can't believe you live so close! I guess it really IS a small world on
> the net... I still use the surname Sinclair -- I was married very briefly
> several years ago, and retained my maiden name after the marriage ended (my
> married name was King).
> I spoke with my mother last night, and she tells me that the information
> she got about Daniel Wickliffe was from that book I was telling you about.
> (Toni, if you are out there, will you kindly put out the information one
> more time about how to order the book about the Sinclairs of Caithness,
> etc....?). My Mother says it is full of birth dates, marriage dates, etc.
> of the Sinclairs that came from Caithness in Scotland (which is where MY
> ancestors are from). She tells me that there is no information about
> Daniel having any children, though.
> About the "fire" article, I have not heard anything about this in my line,
> but it sounds like there is a "Lou and Gail" out there who may know
> something. Do you remember if the newspaper article was from NY, as Lou
> and Gail mentioned?
> Hopefully, there will be others on this discussion list that may have more
> information... I will let you know if I learn anything further.
> Laurie
> >Laurie ,
> >you wont believe this but I live in Hemet. (909)926-9350, though Email is
> >cheaper, maybe we could meet somewhere for lunch sometime. I have a 31 yr old
> >som with cerebral palsey, I have to work around his day program, he leaves at
> >6:45A.M and returns home arounf 3:45, My husband plays senior softball here in
> >Hemet. Any how,back to THE TRUNK!! It is in my brothers garage in Yakima. My
> >Mom is in Living Care nursing home. I have had to fly up there 4 times this
> >year due to my Dads health and then when he Passed away, then went back the
> >first two weeks in May cause Mom was very ill. That explains my not being able
> >to rush up there right now. like I want.Dom you have a different last name or
> >do you use Sinclair ? I am anxious to hear your reaction to all this.
> >Della
> [
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Laurie: a quick note...the article appeared in the Kingston NY newspaper
"Kingston Freeman". Gail
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
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[ info sinclair
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