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Re: Bastro Sinkler family
Wanda Harness,
Jean Grigsby,
I was in error to Brad last p.m. Bastro Sinkler is in the 1860, not 1850
Dubois County, Hall Township, IN census. Unfortunately, since I copied the
census page from the reel reading machine (heck, I don't know what they're
called!) I can not give you a page number or family. It reads as follows:
Bastro Sinkler 40 M Farmer (nee)
Mary Sinkler 39 F Housekeeper "
J. W. Sinkler 16 M Farming
Mary Sinkler 13 F
Sarah ? Sinkler 11 F
Caroline Sinkler 8 F
W. H.? Sinkler 4 F
I looked into the census index for Indiana throughout the years because from
the 1900 Effingham County, IL census (again page and now township are cut-off)
but family #204 lists Joseph Sincla[i]r as being born in Indiana, in 1844.
This data fit (age and birth state), and never being able to find any estate
data for Bastro, I made the "assumption" that this Joseph belongs to Bastro.
This seemed more logical especially since Joseph's middle initial was W. and
no other Joseph or J. W. was found in the 1860 Indiana census. Also, there
were not very many Sinklers listed in this 1860 census.
However, the 1900 Effingham census shows Joseph's father as being born in
Kentucky (as opposed to Ind as Bastro said in the 1860 census). This does not
bother me since census data always has to taken with a grain of salt.
Through your brother, Bob, your grandfather, Earl Bryon, confirmed Joseph's
middle initial as W. I got the clue that Joseph W. Sinkler, our commmon
ancestor, settled in Wayne County, IL; but in researching normal data for that
county, could find nothing.
Brad, I'm sure you know me through the Guard. I've been an AGR for the past
12 years, and was the Training Adminstrator in POTO during the 1544th's
activation during Desert Storm. I'm now the Deputy USPFO and an O-6. I have
talked extensively with your brother, Bob over the 'net, and would like you to
give him my regards. I've also had correspondence with you cousin, Robert
L.Sinclair in Monticello, IL.
I've got quite a bit of information on the Sinklers and would be glad to share
this with you and/or anyone esle out there.
Best Regards to all cousins,
John S. Raschke