Living Sinclairs
The Sinclair family not only derives from remote antiquity;
its modern-day members are also very active, in pursuits
ranging from
football (soccer).
From: Niven Sinclair <niven@niven.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 22:20:42 +0100
We must also look out for those present day Sinclairs who are carving a
niche for themselves in business or in the professions.
Niven Sinclair
From: "Malcolm Caithness"
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 18:07:25 +0100
Having just returned from two weeks in Caithness and elsewhere in the north
I am catching up on the Digest. Niven's article in #109 puts it well but we
must not
forget that in Caithness there are people like Kay Dunnet, who is secretary
Clan Sinclair, Caithness,
Iain Sutherland who has done so much to
engender enthusiasm for Castles Girnigoe and Sinclair through his work with
the Wick Heritage Society. Our heritage is common to us all and I am very
grateful to anyone who takes an interest and particularly those who give so
much of their time to the 'family'. We would all be the poorer without their
enthusiasm and help long may it continue.
Malcolm Caithness
Clan Chief.
The wider Sinclair family
From: Niven Sinclair <niven@niven.co.uk>
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 21:48:34 +0100
If we look at the names of those who have contributed most to the Sinclair
you will find few Sinclairs but a great many paragenetic Sinclairs.
It may be folly to begin naming them but can we begin with the late Jim
Whittall and
Pete Cummings?
And go on to our ex-President
and our present President
(Barker) and
our genealogist
(Server) and
and our Clan historian
(Fechner) and our great
and that great Clan stalwart,
Jean Grigsby and the hundreds of
others who
man Sinclair tents in every
State of America
and every
Province of Canada.
We owe them a great debt just as we owe you
John Sinclair Quarterman a big
thank you for your patience, perseverance and persistence.
And, as for the Lairds,
they have done us proud with their
presence and support
Caithness and in
We would all be weaker without the involvement of such people. They are
more than
kin. They are friends. My friends. Your friends. Our friends.
Let us welcome them as such.
Let us also thank God that we have such people on our side.
Let us be worthy of THEM.
Niven Sinclair
Last changed: 99/11/21 14:40:58