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Science fiction
Found this listing of Sci-Fi Sinclair authors. Anyone know anything about
Assassin, (ss) Back Brain Recluse #19 '91
The Bardic Version, (vi) Interzone Oct '97
"Blueheart, Alison Sinclair" by Faren Miller, (br) Locus v38:4 No.435 Apr '
"Legacies, Alison Sinclair" by Faren Miller, (br) Locus v34:5 No.412 May '
The Murder Hole [as by Anon.], (ss) Blackwood's Feb, 1829
Tales of Terror from Blackwood's Magazine, ed. Robert Morrison & Chris
Baldick, Oxford University Press, 1995
Uncle David's Nonsensical Story about Giants and Fairies, (ss) Holiday
House, A Book for the Young, London: Ward, Lock, 1839
Victorian Fairy Tales, ed. Jack Zipes, Methuen, 1987
The Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales, ed. Alison Lurie, Oxford University
Press, 1993
SINCLAIR, CLIVE (John) (1948- ) (books)
Uncle Vlad, (ss) Transatlantic Review, 1973
The Vampire Omnibus, ed. Peter Haining, Orion, 1995
"Augustus Rex, Clive Sinclair" by Scott Winnett, (br) Locus v29:3 No.380
Sep '92
Her Face is Her Misfortune, (pm) Auguries #18 '94
A Prayer for Oneness, (pm) Auguries #14 '91
SINCLAIR, IAIN (MacGregor) (1943- ) (books)
Afterword, (aw)
Carnacki the Ghost-Finder, Sauk City WI: Mycroft & Moran, 1947
The Apotheosis of Lea Bridge Road, (ss) Slow Chocolate Autopsy, Phoenix
House, 1997
The Articulate Head, (ss) Slow Chocolate Autopsy, Phoenix House, 1997
Careful the Horse's Bite, (ss) Slow Chocolate Autopsy, Phoenix House, 1997
The Contents of the Kettles, (ss) Slow Chocolate Autopsy, Phoenix House,
The Double-Death of the Falconer (with David McKean), (cs) Slow Chocolate
Autopsy, Phoenix House, 1997
The Fifth Man in the Garden, (ss) Slow Chocolate Autopsy, Phoenix House,
From Tilbury Out [from Radon Daughters], (ex) A Mexicon Decade, ed. Colin
Harris, Mexicon 6, 1994
The Griffin's Egg (with David McKean), (cs) Slow Chocolate Autopsy, Phoenix
House, 1997
Hardball, (ss) A Book of Two Halves, ed. Nicholas Royle, Gollancz, 1996
The Best New Horror: Volume Eight, ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson, 1997
Slow Chocolate Autopsy, Phoenix House, 1997
Living with Raptors (or, the Missionary Position), (ss) Slow Chocolate
Autopsy, Phoenix House, 1997
No More Yoga of the Night Club, (ss) New Worlds No. 221, ed. Michael
Moorcock, Jayde Design, 1996
Slow Chocolate Autopsy, Phoenix House, 1997
Scrip. Scribe. Script. (with David McKean), (cs) Slow Chocolate Autopsy,
Phoenix House, 1997
Two Gentlemen of Soho, (ss) The Edge #5 '97
Slow Chocolate Autopsy, Phoenix House, 1997
"The Iain Sinclair Interview" by Andrew Hedgecock, (iv) The Edge #6 '97
"Slow Chocolate Autopsy, Iain Sinclair & Dave McKean" by Faren Miller, (br)
Locus v40:5 No.448 May '98
Gyroscope, (ss) Prairie Fire Sum '94
Honor, (ss) On Spec Spr '89
Raindance, (ss) Tesseracts 2, ed. Phyllis Gotlieb & Douglas Barbour,
Victoria: Press Porcepic, 1987
The Girl in the Red Gauze Blouse, (ss) Hapa #3 '83
Horror in Paradise, ed. A. Grove Day & Bacil F. Kirtley, Mutual, 1986
SINCLAIR, MAY (1863-1946)
The Nature of the Evidence, (ss) Fortune May '23
The Lifted Veil, ed. A. Susan Williams, Xanadu, 1992
Shudder Again, ed. Michele Slung, Roc, 1993
The Penguin Book of Classic Fantasy by Women, ed. A. Susan Williams,
Penguin, 1995
The Oxford Book of Twentieth-Century Ghost Stories, ed. Michael Cox, Oxford
University Press, 1996
The Token, (ss) Hutchinson's Magazine Mar '22
The Virago Book of Ghost Stories, ed. Richard Dalby, Virago, 1987
The Victim, (nv) The Criterion Oct '22
The Oxford Book of English Ghost Stories, ed. Michael Cox & R. A. Gilbert,
Oxford University Press, 1986
The Villa Désirée, (ss) Hutchinson's Magazine Dec '21
65 Great Spine Chillers, ed. Mary Danby, Octopus, 1982
Haunting Women, ed. Alan Ryan, Avon, 1988
I Shudder at Your Touch, ed. Michele Slung, Penguin/Roc, 1991
Creepy Stories, ed. Anon., Bracken Books, 1994
Where Their Fire Is Not Quenched, (nv) The English Review Oct '22
Witches' Brew, ed. Marcia Muller & Bill Pronzini, Macmillan, 1984
The Book of Fantasy, ed. Jorge Luís Borges, Adolfo Bioy Casares & Silvina
Ocampo, Viking, 1989
Black Water 2, ed. Alberto Manguel, Random House/Clarkson & Potter, 1991
Getting Back, (nv) Post Mortem: New Tales of Ghastly Horror, ed. Paul F.
Olson & David B. Silva, St. Martin's, 1989
The Black List, (br) The Horror Show Spr '89
Ashes to Ashes, (ss) All Hallows #9 '95
Dartmoor Bridge, (vi) All Hallows #12 '96
The Domino Masquerade, (vi) Psychotrope #4 '96
Spirals, (vi) Psychotrope #3 '95
Trepanning in the Streets, (vi) Dreams from the Strangers' Café #5 '96
SINCLAIR, UPTON (Beall) (1878-1968)
The Overman, (nv) Harper's May '06
Tales of Dungeons and Dragons, ed. Peter Haining, Century, 1986
Satan's Invisible World Discovered; The Story of William Barton, a Warlock,
(ex), 1685
Scottish Stories of Fantasy and Horror, ed. Peter Haining, Crown/Bonanza,
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