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Sinclair American Navy glory part 1
This information is all thanks to Captain Marshall A Hall, U S Navy. 200
Navy Pentagon, Washington DC 20350-2000 USA. If anyone finds this
information useful or interesting please write to Captain Hall.
One Sinclair family stands out in American Naval history. Is Beverly Kennon
We are fortunate to have Sally Spangler, a direct desendant of this amazing
Sinclair branch on our list.
His G Great grandfather General, Captain Continental Army, First provisional
Governor of Louisiana. His Great grandfather was a midshipman on the
constellation 9 Feb, 1799. Rising to Commodore, who fought in the war of
1812. Grandfather, Commander Arthur was in command of four vessels during
the Mexican war and commanded with Perry in Japan. He ' Also punished the
Figians (Fijians) for eating two Americans.' Eleven others served from this
Sinclair family of Sailors. Arthur Sinclair was an officer of the Merrimac.
One Commodore Sinclair in 1821 'conceived and carried out the idea of a '
Nautical School' America's first navel Academy. After the American civil war
we find yet another Sinclair of this family as a midshipmen at Annapolis.
Arthur Sinclair was a guest of Queen Victoria.
As time permits I would like to share some of the information I have on this
Sinclair Naval family.
These are transcripts of a papers I have on William Beverly Sinclair,
surgeon, US Navy and Confederate Navy.
William has written this in his own hand from prison. To Captain Samuel F Du
Pont, Commanding Naval Station,Philadelphia April 1861
'My Dear Sir,
Lest you be having so much to occupy your mind at this time, have failed to
apprehend my wishes in relation to the contemplated resignation of my
commission.I beg leave to furnish you this memorandum.
I refer to the letter, from yourself, which you so kindly consented should
accompany my resignation.
I am sure you will not suppose I am assuming any loftiness in stating that I
neither seek nor desire better terms, from the goverment, in offering my
resignation, than has been accorded to my brothers and friends at Norfolk
and elsewhere who without a betrayal of trust, honorably and openly placed
that trust with their commissions, in the hands of those from whom they
received both.
You are aware I would not send my resignation from Norfolk, where I then
was, on temporary leave from you; deemimg it my duty to return first to my
post here ere doing so. If the statment of this fact to the honorable
Secretary of the navy, will relieve me from the embarrassment of a detention
here I would like it mentioned.'
I am, Sir, most respectfully and truly,
W. B. Sinclair
Surgeon, U.S.N
This following document was dated 4 years later. Willaim Beverly was now a
Confederate Surgeon and was captured and gave the following parole.
Headquarters C S Navy May 1865
I William B Sinclair, surgeon C S Navy Prisoner of war, do hereby give my
solemn Parole of honor not to take part in hostilities against the Goverment
of the United states, until properly exchanged, and that I will not do
anything directly or indirectly to the detirment or disparagement of the
authority of the United states, until properly exchanged as aforsaid.
Signed William B Sinclair.
Scanned copies of the original documents will be sent off to John.
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