OK, I found it and have put a picture on our web. Is
there a way to get the information in an English translation.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 11:46
Subject: Malcolm Sinclair
If you tap into www.poland.com and look for Malcolm Sinclair via a search
engine and click on kamienie sinclaira (the Sinclair stone) you will
find some excellent information on the fate of Malcolm Sinclair on the 28th
June, 1739 at the hands of Russian officers.
It is even suggested
that the French merchant, Couturier, was a Russian agent which is the first
time I have heard of this theory.
The web pages also contain some
excellent photographs of the monument.
It would seem that there is a
lively interest in this story which augurs well for our plan to restore the
monument and more than justifies your decision to contribute financially
towards that restoration.
Good reading.