Though I enjoyed your treatise in general, I found the following particularly interesting: William Buehler wrote: I will only take up your time with a look at the Horse's function and inner meaning. First understand that the Heel (Chief Head) Stone goes through a transformation to become a gate system (Ps 118 again) that cosmetrically shows up in an L shape. This gate system is not simply an innerdimensional gate, it is an intratemporal or "time" gate and depends on a State of Being related to the Christ in quality, of the operator(s) to safely and efficiently use it. The Horse is used as a symbol for such a system, relating to the "L" gate. Two examples: the Knight's Move in chess is the L, also in the Hebrew alphabet the L is the letter gamel, #3, drawn as an L in the protosiniatic version ("gamel" means camel, a horse substitute in the Mideast).
1. The emphasis in Freemasonry on perpendiculars and the "angle of a square", etc. 2. The perpendicular is the direction taken when moving from one dimension to a higher one -- from a point to a line, a line to a plane, a plane to a solid. Within the lower dimension, the perpendicular extension to the next dimension is seen as a mere point -- exhibiting location perhaps, but no measureable reality. In our 3-dimensional "physical" world, I picture each human mind as such a point, extending in directions not measureable by wordly gauges. Loved the reference to the Knight's Move in chess. I'm not familiar with the horse symbology, though it sounds very intriguing. Regards,