thanks for your speedy reply. THe Sinclair seal I have is a shield dived into 4
segments,from the top L.H segment is a vikeing boat with a cenre mast & an
furled sail and the faceing left. The top R.H. segment is a rampart lion,same as
the botom L.H. segment ,both faceing the left. The botomR.H. segment is another
vikeing boat the same as the the one above.There is a scroll around the shield
with Commit Thy Work to God. On the top is the Sinclair Rooster faceing
If you send me your snail mail adress I can send some impressions
Yes. I have details of all the crests, mottoes and coats-of-arms of the Sinclairs If you can send me the details of your seal - an imprint, if possible - I'll see what my books can tell me about the branch of your family. You can contact me off-list if you prefer. Niven Sinclair |