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Re: Sinclairs in Georgia

Boissy is the name of at least two French towns the most famous being


Cette commune, située à la limite des vallées et plateaux du Hurepoix et celle de la plaine de la Beauce offre un paysage varié de coteaux boisés et de cultures diverses. Dès le printemps, le jaune vif des champs de colza illumine le paysage. Balade à pieds ou à vélo, vous apercevrez peur-être au loin, un chevreuil à l'affût ou un lapin détaler au détour d'un chemin. Et pour boucler une promenade, rien de telle qu'une visite dans le village où vous découvrirez une église datant du XIVème siècle.

Fête du village : dernier week-end d'août.


and also close to where I live Région : Haute-Normandie || Département : Eure || Canton : Thiberville || Habitants : 281 ||

there is a St Clair software company in Denmark whose director mother was Boissy St Clair

This may be a dead end


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 10:32 PM
Subject: Sinclairs in Georgia

Hello everyone,
My name is Christine Carver and I am hoping someone will be able to help me. My GGGgrandmother was born 1795 in Georgia and her name was Boissy. She married my GGGgrandfather Jesse Carver and they had 6 children. She died in Ware CO. Georgia around 1855. No one has ever known her maiden name, recently a Carver family book publisher has said her maiden name was Sinclair. When questioned about where he found this information he stated that he never prints anything unless he has proof but he can't remember where he found this info. Her name is a very unusual name which has been passed down through the generations, has anyone else ever heard this name ? Or has anyone ever seen at any time the name Boissy Sinclair ? I keep coming up against brick wall's on this issue and truly need any help I can get from Sinclairs.
                                                                  Sincerly, Christine Carver        christine@desoto.net
