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See you later
Hi all:
I am going to un-sub scribe for a couple of weeks --- Off to Scotland Tuesday
21st and back on April 2nd.
Lots of piping, visiting my 97 year old cousin Mary in Fintry just 10 miles
from Stirling (her grandfather and my great great grandfather were cousins)
and of course 5 days or so up north in Caithness visiting with dear friends.
We'll chat when we get back
-----Original Message-----
From: rob <rob@eteast.com>
To: sinclair@mids.org <sinclair@mids.org>
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2000 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: The Pidgeons and The Pope
>Cat amongst the pigeons, Neil - that's not bad - yes, I do that
>sometimes...and thanks for the response Niven, but could someone draw the
> would it be incorrect to extrapolate that some of why the pope is doing
>this is due to the reams of evidence which has been gathered in the past
>century and especially decade - not least is some of the information
>contained in the Hiram Key and several other Sinclair related volumes? this
>information is failry wide-spread now, is it not? And coming from many
>different parts of the Globe - not the least of which are the Quamran
>Scrolls and the Vatican archives. Am I dreaming?
> And has what he said the potential impact of a Mikhail Gorbachov
>up the Soviet Union, and it's subsequent disintegration? JP 2 has made it
>clear that this year he will undertake to position the Roman Church for the
>next millenium...what's next?
> to call something into existence is to suggest its opposite...a lot of
>minds are not yet open...he's moving carefully...few would argue the
>substance of what he said - it was safe because it was true...
> just wondering...
> rob
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