When Mary gets the biography
section set up of the new website, be sure to get Patrick Henry's story added,
won't you.
Regarding history--you may be
interested to know that Patrick Henry is a Sinclair descendant. I
trace back to this family and to Prince Henry. Patrick's father-John
came from Scotland. If you would like more info please let me know.
Caroline Briggs Lowrance
osaltsandy wrote:
osaltsandy@thurston.com An
addition`to Laurel's run down of Sinclair/St Clair history. Yes
there was a US President. This information came from Dan
Valentine's book of little known facts entitled SPIRIT OF AMERICA
essay no. 9. Because there was an 8 year gap between the
founding of our nation and the ratifacation of the constitution
(1781-1789) there were 8 people who held the position of elected
president before George Washington. Each of those years the
president of the US Continental Congress was the prime authority of the
nation. They were elected for one year. Those men in order
were:1.John Hansen 2.Richard Henry Lee 3.Elias Boudinot 4.Thomas
Mifflin 5.John Hancock 6. Nathaniel Gorhan 7.ARTHUR SINCLAIR
(Who was also the Gen Arthur Sinclair ) 8.Cyrus Griffin and then in 1789
George Washington. Sandy Sinclair (old history teacher of
Olympia Washington)
---------- > From: Spirit One Email
<laurel@spiritone.com> > To: sinclair@zilker.net > Subject: Astonishing
Sinclair history! > Date: Friday, April 09, 1999 7:34
PM > > > Dear
Cousins, > This job is so
much fun and it is because of all of you. I know
there > are some silent ones lurking about that
haven't spoken up but one of these > days we'll hear from
you also, I bet. > > It seems like the Sinclairs/St.
Clairs were everywhere during > historical
times: > > They were descendants
of Vikings, > They beat Columbus to this hemisphere
by 94 years. > and were Counts, Dukes, Queens, Kings,
Prime Minister in Australia, >
right?,etc. > About 8 of them accompanied another one
named William the Conqueror to the > Battle of
Hastings > They were hard working soldiers,
sailors, wives, and grandmas. > Since so many made up
the Royalty and relatives of the monarchy of
England, > there must have been Sinclairs at all
of their battles > Many in Rev. war on both sides-Generals
to privates > They were trappers and workers with the
Hudsons Bay Co. > I suppose the War of 1812 had its
share > Were there any at the
Alamo? > Do we have some Gold Rush
stories? > I heard one was with Custer, where is
the story on that? Don't quote this > until we dig it up
again. > Of course the Civil
War > And as short a span of time as the Pony Express covered, we
had a Sinclair > manage to participate also in that
also. > How about the Spanish American
War? > One was a mysterious Earl living in ND
> Any on the
Titanic? > Industrialists, oil men, politicians,
musicians, writers > Isn't it time for a President
Sinclair/St. Clair. Ha > I would like to see a
few more entires on this list for Sinclair women..
I > know I've left out many catagories. But think about
those interesting > ancestors. We will capture their
stories eventually, so don't go away. >
> And then we
had the question about apparitions in the Sinclair
castles. > Well, let me tell you, when we get all
this collected you are going to see > that in this area our
ghosts have not shirked their duty also! > Still waiting to see whether anyone
has the "White Lady" story. >
Laurel > >
> > [ This is the Sinclair family
discussion list, sinclair@jump.net. > [ To get off or on the
list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html