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Re: Robert Sinclair of Wells, Maine
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
[ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
Laurel, Thanks so much for the wonderful information. I have not had the
opportunity to look at the book written by Mr. Morrison yet but I have ordered
it through our local Family History Center and am looking forward to reading
it. I found out that most of the records that were in Wells, including vital
records, all burned up in a fire, so I am thinking that might also be why there
are no records available in that earlier period. I do have the vital records
for John Skinkler and family and also Adoniram's family, plus also the selling
of the land by Elizabeth Denmark Rich in which Robert is mentioned. Thanks
again for all your help -- Anna Hendrickson
laurel wrote:
> [ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net.
> [ For more information, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
> -------
> I have the Morrison book..pg 329 is all about Robefrt DSinkler, who
> "was an early resident of Wells, Me. The relationship which existed between
> him and John Sinkler the first of Exeter, N.H., is not known. It is
> probable that he was a son of the aforesaid John of Exeter, although there
> has been found no evidence of this in any will or other record. Many wills
> and deeds in former times were never recorded at the county offices, and
> were ultimately lost. It was not an uncommon thing for one to deed to his
> son in land what he considered would be that son's portion of his estate,
> and then make no mention of said son in his will. This may have been the
> case with John Sinkler of Exeter, in relation to Robert Sinkler of Wells,
> Me. The distance between the places was not great, many citizens of Exeter
> had settled in Wells, and the latter place was an outlet for the older
> settlement, and furnished a home for its surplus inhabitants and sons of its
> older residents. There it was that Rev. John Wheelwright and his colony
> found a refuge when they fled from Exeter. The communication between the
> citizens of one town to the citrizens of the other were continually taking
> place. It is not unlikely, indeed it is extremely probable, that Robert
> Sinkler of Wells had received land there as his part of his inheritance,
> although such deed of conveyance may not be on recorcd There are several
> evidences of close relationship between John Sinkler of Exeter and his
> supposed son, Robert Sinkler of Wells. The age of the latter was right for
> him to be a son of the former. The same Christian names have for
> generations been perpetuated in either branch; the habits, customs, and
> occupations of persons of the two lines have been largely the same, and at
> this day there is a strong family resemblance between representatives of the
> fiverged and diverging lines. {Do you suppose they had the SINKLER NOSE?}
> From the earliest record John Sinkler of Exeter was a pioneer, and
> struck out upon the frontier of civilization, and through all generations to
> the present, his descendants have been pioneers, and have loved frontier
> life., Many of them have been mechanics, the owners of sawmills, and other
> kinds of manufactories. {that is certainly true of my (Laurel's) ancestor
> John Sinkler, Jr. s/o John of Exeter) It seems as though one of the race
> could not be happy unless he was converting the vast trees of the forest
> into manufactured lumber, thus making it serviceable to man. All of these
> characteristics have been prominent in the descendants of Robert Sinkler of
> Wells. They, too, have been frontiersmen, mechanics, owners and operators
> of mills and manufactories. Johnathan Sinkler, a grandson of John Sinkler
> of Exeter, and himself a native of that town, was an owner of land and a
> resident of Wells, Me., in 1729. Robert Sinkler, his supposed uncle, was
> there much earlier, although the records do not state the exact time. He
> was there ealy in its history, for that town in a public town meeting on
> March 18 1712-14, votred him a grant of 100 acres, and 10 acres of meadow.
> The latter remained in the possession of his family until May 20 , 1734,
> when it was sold by his son. Whom he married is not known. He died
> previous to April 28, 1718, and on Dec. 10, 1734, his son in a deed alludes
> to him as "late of Wells, deceased." His wife was Elizabeth......, who on
> April 28, 1718 married 2nd Peter Rich of Wells, and several times in deeds
> she and her husband relinquised power of thirds and right of dower in Robert
> Sinkler's land.
> Child John Sinkler b. before 1713, as deed land May 20, 1724; m. Mary
> Wakefield April 19, 1739
> {So as with those families that used the Scottish naming system, this Robert
> and Elizabeth ? Sinkler named their eldest son after the paternal
> grandfather, which would have been John Sinkler of Exeter}
> Then I have nearly a page of info on John Sinkler who m. Mary Wakefield and
> had 2 children Adoniram and Mary. I would strongly suspect that there was a
> 1st son named John, who died or else he is lost to the records. So then
> Adoniram named his eldest son John after the paternal grandfather, John s/ o
> John of Wells. Adoniram wisely discared this naming system for none of them
> named any son Adoniram.
> Laurel of Portland
> ->
> >==========================>>
> >> Robert Sinclair married Elizabeth Denmark in 1712. They resided in
> >Wells, Maine. Robert died sometime between 1715-1718. Robert & Elizabeth
> >had two children, John and Elizabeth. John Sinkler was born about 1713 in
> >Wells, Maine, and married Mary Wakefield, daughter of James Wakefield and
> >Mary Durrell. I know of only one son, Adoniram Sinkler, who was born about
> >1741 also in Wells, Maine. I have no other information on Robert
> >Sinclair/Sinkler and am wondering if anyone knows of this family.
> >>
> >>
> >> [
> >>
> [
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