A few corrections to the 600th
(1) Probably most of you realized that
since I had introduced our host, Neil St. Clair of Lower Economy, Nova Scotia,
as Treas. of the Prince Henry Society of North America the group was not just
"his" organization. It was just a matter of convenience in the
narration to use that designation. Now I hope to explain that organization
to you better.
The Prince Henry Society of North America
(PHSNA) is in reality, made up of more members from every part of the USA than
from Canada. The PHSNA was incorporated in NS and the board of directors
members are located there otherwise it would be too cumbersome to function with
volunteer board members scattered all over. Their aim is to spread the
word about Prince Henry beyond the borders of NS. Remember how Neil got
the word out to the school in Advocate. Their enrollment fee is a thrifty $5.00
which includes a publication peridically.
(2) Probably Jamie Grant of Guysborough
should have been spelled "Jaime"
(3) Neil told me on
Oct. 8 (one of the few E-mails that were getting through at that time) that
D'Elayne Coleman, pres. PHSNA left for England to meet with Nevin Sinclair on
Oct. 8th and will return from their Venice research on Nov. 10th.
(4) Got the name of the person who forwarded the map of
the mystery 1399 stone at Concord, MA. When my printer begins to
communicate with my computer, I will contact Derek Gunn, who is writing a book
about early European habitation in MA, to follow up on this
Another impression that I think I missed telling
you. On the evening of the Autumnal Equinox when we were at America's
Stonehenge with Gordon Flaws there was another coincidence. Gordon, never
knowing that we would be meeting each other and then going to Stonehenge
together, was wearing a sweater that he bought in the Orkneys. The design
on it was of the "Standing Stones of Orkney". And there we were
at this NH Stonehenge wandering among standing rocks for astronomical
observances. It was such a beautiful sweater and certainly took on an
added meaning for Gordon.
Since the trip, my husband Don, has joined the
Bruce Clan. We received a complimentary issue of their quarterly
"Bannockburn" in which was a full page article on the connection
of Robert the Bruce's prior to Bannockburn and then working into Prince
Henry's trip 1398 to NS. There was an appeal to not leave the Bruce's out
of the Sinclair celebrations. I can hardly wait to tell them that, indeed,
Don, a Bruce, was right there marching into the arena at the Lincoln Loon Mt.
games on two of the mornings with the Sinclairs and he sat patiently through all
the symposium talks.
I wonder when I will come down from the euphoria
of this trip.
Portland, OR