My line of Sinclairs were in Perry, Geauga Co.
OH on the 1820 census listed David, John, David Jr., Bradbury, and John Sinclear
Jr. living there. Another son, Leonard was in Morgan, Ashtabula Co.
OH. The 1830 Perry, Geauga Co census shows Joseph St. Clair at Perry,
Joseph St. Clair at Harden, Geauga, Joshua at Leroy, Geauga, David at
Perry. In 1840 Joshua was in Rockdale, Erie Co. PA beside his wife's Morey
The Morrison gives this information on John Sr.
s/o Col. Richard Sinkler & Polly Cilley. Richard was descended from
John Sinkler of Exeter: John Sr. was b. Gilmanton, NH Jan. 13, 1763
d. of TB at Frederick, Schyler Co. IL at the home of his dau Molly who m. 1st
Jefferson Rice and resided at Frederick. She m. 2nd Col. Wilcox. pg.
NOTE: The connections
to OH and many to southern OH. Many JOHNS and JOSEPHS. My line is Joshua and
Rhoda Morey who went to OH, PA and to WI by 1845 d. JUNEAU CO. WI. Have a
little more on his siblings Leonard, Abigail, and JOSEPH who also went to
WI. Beware of errors in the Morrison book and perhaps some I have done now
at 11:30 PM. I haven't copied complete dates and there are pages and pages
on the exploits of the very patriotic s/o Richard and Polly who all the older
ones, I think, were there with Mad Anthony Wayne as they charged Crown
Point and Richard Jr. witnessed the whole Major Andre-Benedict Arnold
John's siblings, children of Richard and Polly
Bradbury Sinkler b. Newmarket, NH Mar. 8, 1754
d. Valley Forge 1778
Lt. Richard Sinkler Jr, Newmarket Oct. 1756,
res. Barnstead, NH in Rev. d.on route to Cincinnati 1820
Mary b. Nottingham, NH Dec. 1760; Rev. war. m.
Mr. Weed; res. Perry, Lake Co. where she d.
Joshua b. Nottingham, NH
Apr. 16, 1760; Rev. War; d. Maumee City, OH Nov. 1849
Samuel b. Nottingham, NH May 10, 1762; Rev. War; d.
Sinclairville, Chat. Co. Feb. 8, 1827
JOHN b. Gilmanton, NH Jan. 13, 1763; d. Frederick, IL, Nov. 4,
Elsie b. Gilmanton, NH about 1764; d. at Vassalborough, ME,
aged 18
JOSEPH b. Gilmanton, NH, Apr. 9, 1766; d. May 12, 1845,at
Perry, Lake Co. OH
David b. B arnstead, NH;
Apr. 9, 1766; d. May 12, 1845; at Perry, Lake Co., OH
Lt. Richard Sinkler, JR. (s/o Richard and Polly) joined his
brother John, who, more than ten years before, had located at or near French
Creek (or Harbor Creek) Erie Co. PA which was not far distant from their brother
Samuel Sinclair of Sinclairville, NY. He lived with his brother, and in
1820 left his house and started on a visit to Cincinnati. He was taken
sick on the way and died in OH. His wife was Elizabeth, Betsey, daughter
of Charles Hodgdon of Barnstead, etc...Children: Nanch m. Obadiah Eastman res.
Dorchester, NH, Polly Cilley b. 1789 m. Abraham Runnells Bunker of Barnstead;
Charles Grandison b. 1793 m. Martha G. d/ o Joseph Norris etc.
and Eliza S. b. 1800 m. 1825 William Jenkins of
Barnstead. they had 5 children and all died very young.
Joshua s/ o Richard and Polly Cilley Sinkler b. Apr. 16, 1760
Nottingham, NH. ....m. 1794 m. Abigail Pattee....Res. Unity, ME...D.
Maumee City, OH where he had lived but a few years. Children: George W.;
Abigail m. Thomas Bagley; William b. 1799 Physician; Thomas J. b. 1801 m.
Celinda Bakeman; Mary b. 1803 m. Alden Chandler ; Joshua b. 1805 d.
RACINE, WI Oct 17, 1848; Jane b. 1807 d. age 21 single; Elizabeth Lovejoy b.
1809 m. in Maumee City, OH Alpheus W. Boynton; moved to LaFFayette, OH; children
d. in infancy; Daniel Lovejoy b. 1811 d. 1816; Dorcas Burnham b. 1813 his
second wife; Alden Chandler d. in MARQUETTE, WI
Maj. Samuel Sinkler b. 1762 s/o Richard and Polly Cilley
m. at Vassalboro, MEE 1785 Sally Perkins who d. Eaton, NY
1804. Their children
Molly b. 1786 m. Elijah
Haswell; John b. 1789 m. Betsey Lee d. Gerry, NY ; Solomon b. 1780 d. aged 10
years; Sally b. 1791 d. 1792; Sophy b. 1793; m. Mr. Ward d. in IOWA
Samuel b. 1794 d.
Sally b. Madison, NY 1795 m. William Barros and d. HASTINGS,
Richard b. Eaton, NY 1799 d. 1802
Samuel b. Eaton, NY 1801 d. Kinzua, Warren Co., PA
Agnes b. Eaton, NY 1803 d. 1803
He m. 2nd 1805 Mrs Fanny (Bigalow) Edson who had 7 children
from 1st marriage. He d. 1827 Sinklarville, NY and then these children from this
Nancy b. Madison, Madison Co., NY 1806
David B igalow b. Madison 1807 d. 1879
JOSEPHb. Madison, NY March 15, 1809 d. at FT. WAYNE, INof
cholera, Sept. 7, 1854
George W. b. Sinclairville, NY July 4, 1811 res. Sinclairville
in 18 89
Orlinda b. Sinclairville 1813, m. Dr. Charles Parker d.
Maryville, Chau. Co. NY 1846
Virtue Elvira b. Sinclairville 1816 m. 1835 Chester Cole; Res.
Hiram B. Sinclairville 1817 d. 1818
John Sinkler b. 1763 Gilmanton, NH s/o Richard and Polly
Cilley Sinkler built sawmills which took him to several different residences
through his life. m. 1785 Abigail Clark b. 1768 Hallowell, ME; their
1. Sally b. Barnstead, NH 1786 m. Calvin Snell res. and death
in Perry, OH, among children Nabby, Sally, Jane Calvin, Andrus
of Parisville, OH
2. Bradbury b. Barnstead 1788 d. at MARIETTA, IL
3. JOHN Jr. Barnstead 1790 d. 1822 Perry, OH of TB aged 32
soldier in War of 1812
4. David b. Barnstead 1792 in War of 1812
5. Leonard b. Danville, VT 1793. m. Sarah St. John; was a
carpenter and farmer; d. 1876 at village of NORTHPORT, MEEKWA, WAUPACCA CO.,
6. Abigail b. Danville, VT 1798 m. Mr. Casper; res. SAUK
CO. WI ......
7. Samuel b. Black River, Jeff. Co., NY 1801; drown at
Rockdale, PA 1804 3 yrs old
8. Joshua b. 1802 Harbor Creek, Erie Co., PA 1885, SUMMIT,
JUNEAU CO., WI m. Rhoda Morey; Carpenter
Enoch, Franklin, Oliva C. M. John Coleman, Phylander V., Charles L. Melinda m.
George Curtis and ; My ancestor--John Wesley b. 1837 /40 Rockdale, PA -m. Mary
Ann Judd b. Leeds Co. Can. (d/o Arza L. Judd and Matilda Stevens) and member of
the Co K 6th WI (Iron Brigade) d. SEVEN MILE CREEK, JUNEAU CO. WI; and Susan M.
9. Prudence b. Rockdale, Crawford Co, PA 1805 m. Mr. Kibbie;
and Mr. Lord
10. JOSEPH b. Rockdale, PA 1808 d. 1867 SUMMIT, JUNEAU CO., WI
m. Eliza A.?; carpenter and farmer
11. Daniel b. Rockdale 1811
12. Molly b. Rockdale, PA 1813 m. Jefferson Rice; res.
Frederick, IL d. of TB 1855 m. 2nd Col. Wilxox...
JOSEPH b. Gilmanton, NH Apr. 9, 1766 s/o Richard and Polly He
lived there until 1794 when he moved to Danville, VT. moved to Peacham, VT then
to Perry, Lake Co., OH 1828 near his brother JOHN. m. Olive Colbath d/o Benjamin
and Polly Bickford. Children:
1. JOSEPH b. Barnstead, NH Oct. 15, 1789; d. SIOUX CITY,
2. Sally b. Barnstead 1791 d. 1791
3. Betsey b. Barnstead 1792 d. 1810
4. Greenleaf Cilley b. Danville, VT 1794 d. Perry, OH
5. Betsey b. Danville, VT d. there when young
6. Statira b. Danville, Vt 1796 moved to Perry, Lake Co., OH
m. Mr. McDowell d. in Ashtabula, OH 1832 no living children. Lived at one
time in Vienna, Trumbull Co. OH
7. Roxanna b. 1798 in Danville, Vt m. Asa Glines
8. Milton b. Danville 1800 d. at Perry, OH 1852
9. Sarah b. Danville 1802 m. Stephen Glines at
10. Olive b. 1804 Danville m. 1833 Amherst Call (PA?) res.
Perry, OH
11. Arit b. Danville 1806; farmer; lived Perry, OH d. 1836
12 Elizabeth B. b. Danville, VT 1811; m. Carlos Norris; res.
Perry, OH
David b. B arnstead 1770 s/o Richard and Polly Cilley ; moved
to Perry, OH where he kept a hotel and owned a large farm, was a fine marksman
etc. m. Sally Batchelder of Barnstead.....Children:
Prentice res, Perry, Eunice d. young , Polly d. young, Calvin
res. Perry, Sally d. young, Betsey m. Elisha Coltran; Nancy moved to OH with
parents, Dolly m. Daniel Parmley d. Perry 1887; Sarah m. Samuel Wortman res.
BRONSON, BRANCH CO., MI, David d. KINGSTON, ADAMS CO., NE 1891, Polly b.
LeroyLeRoy Genesee Co. NY 1817 m. Benjamin Wolverton res. Mentor Ave.
PAINESVILLE, OH; Eunice b. Perry OH m. 1852 Lyman Durand. res. Mentor, OH child
Charles Durand b. Mentor res. Painesville, OH; single (at time of
So hope you people looking
for Johns and Josephs see their people and those looking for clues in OH, WI and
IL will be helped. I need a clue to my Moreys in Crawford Co., PA.
At least you can eliminate some that you were curious about on the
Portland, OR
Molly b. 1786 Vassalboro, ME m. Elijah
John b. 1788 Vassalboro, ME m. Betsey