I have read extensively about the voyage of Henry Sinclair and have had some fun exploring the story. The abysmal status of the Canadian research is truly sad. Having stated this, I add however the foremost archeological site in all of America is Fort Louisburg in Cape Breton reconstructed at some $25,000,000. Truly remarkable right down to a reconstruction of the Mediterranean cannons used as early as 1398.
Having studied the history from a Canadian perspective, the voyage is both plausible and in my view extremely likely. The King of Norway to which Henry owed allegiance as a Jarl, certainly was aware of the North American settlements as he was of the Greenland settlements. By 1398 they had a 400 year prior history. Now the archeologists have assisted and brought evidence of at least one permanent settlement well before Henry.
Similarly the fishermen of Europe were aware of the Grand Banks but being illiterate were not writing their experience down and the appreciation of longitude was still centuries away. It did not mean that the Grand Banks were not fished but simply we know want to know more. When Henry came to North America in 1398, Scotland was totally feudal, possessions and empire was not important, and the King barely holding the clans together. If any motivation existed for such a trip, it is my conjecture that he was interested primarily in trees particularly oaks for their ability to be used in the building of ships as all the lumber had been used in Northern Europe for large ship building. Deforestation is not a new phenomenon! Remember that both the relationship of Henry to both Norway and to Robert of Scotland are documented.
I have set forward the foregoing in support for your understanding that the quest for knowledge is an ongoing one, needing effort and work. It is never closed and our personal understanding of history and appreciation of facts are such that we need to be far better focused.
In summary there is in my view excellent evidence that a voyage could have been made and is further totally plausible and supportable by known facts. Talents such as yours are needed by Americans and Canadians to assist in the development of the study of their history. I urge you and all other Sinclairs to support the ongoing quest for knowledge and evidences that contribute not only to our family history, which is a proud one, but also to the need to appreciate the history of North America, which history is poorly taught, and frequently warped by media and Hollywood, and ignores the efforts of the ordinary man in moving forward the progress of civilization.
Thank you for your fine comments and perspectives.
Neil Sinclair
descend Argyll
Toronto Canada.
Ramsey(NOTE)-Styer, Darwin wrote:
Dear Margaret, (She is a Rintoul- lowland Scotch and descendanded from Earl Morton. and puts up with her husbands obsessions with Sinclairs!)(The Zeno diaries are documented and been debated over for a 200 years and I understand over some 100 published papers.) The factual information needs more development which is why Oak Island, Guysborough, Stellerton, and The "Castle" and the Newport Tower, and Westford Knight are very important starting sites. It takes interest and students of science like you and money to bring the facts and knowledge forward. I think it beats animal bones!
Thank you so much for clarifying this. I am new to this list (last
Friday, 4-17-98) and really appreciate the explanation. I am an
archaeologist, as well as a Sinclair, and I truly believe in checking my
facts. I have had a great deal of trouble believing anything that has
been stated before concerning the exploration of the New World and the
Sinclair involvement because of the lack of documented sources.
You might enjoy the following:
The Colubus Conspiracy by Michael Bradley 1991 isbn 0-88882-131-x
Hounslow Press, Toronto Canada.
(However, all of this undocumented dribble is coming from only one orPS The Ramsay isnt from PEI is it?
two people that don't believe in footnotes. (There are over 6 publications of which I am aware.) (The above reference does have extensive footnotes)