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Re: Sir James Sinclair of Mey, Bart.
hi sb!
my name is deb reed (deborah sinclair black reed) and i think i may be
from the margaret sinclair line that you describe. i have recently put
the burkes peerage info into paf format, from which it can and will be
converted to gedcom format, at which time i can share it. i want to add
any interesting notes from the morrison book about the sinclairs before
i convert it.
the problem with jameses and margarets in these lines is that every
other generation had one or the other or both. as i look at my copied
pages of burkes peerage, my margaret sinclair is the daughter of sir
john sinclair, 6th baronet of mey and charlotte sutherland. margaret is
the sister of sir james sinclair, 7th baronet of mey and 12 th earl of
caithness. james was born 31 oct 1766; margaret is listed after him, so
she was probably born 1767 or 68.
there is also a james sinclair, 3rd baronet of mey who married jean
sinclair (the sister of george sinclair, 7th earl of caithness) and by
her had james sinclair, the 4th baronet of mey, and margaret sinclair
who married francis sinclair of stirkoke. their only son was james the
5th baronet of mey, father of john the 6th baronet of mey and
grandfather of the margaret sinclair who married a rev. william leslie
and became my ancestor.
i know that is pretty circuitous, and sounds to me a wee bit incestuous
to boot, but i expect all these sinclairs were second and third cousins
after all.
if this sounds like anything that might fit for you, i'll be happy to
send you the gedcom file.
thus far, all the sinclair discussion has been about the families which
flowed from john sinkler in new hampshire, interesting but not directly
pertinent to my line. i know my margaret's grandson came over to the
u.s. in the 1830s or early 40s. the sinklers had already been here for
about 200 years.
please let me know what info you may have to corroborate this, if any.