Prince Henry
To promote recognition of Henry Sinclair, 14th Century explorer
of North America, and to celebrate the 600th anniversary in 1998
August 25 1998 Issue
Published by Prince Henry Project Committee
65 Hartwell Street, West Boylston, MA, 01583, USA
Phone: 508-835-2900 Fax: 508-835-2944
E-Mail: henry1398@aol.com
John S. Quarterman
Celebrations Continue!
Nineteen celebration events have been held in the first
half of 1998. As we look ahead, there are thirteen
additional events to come, making a total of thirty-two
venues this year. Each have recognized the saga of
Prince Henry's voyage six centuries ago.
At the Halkirk Games in Caithness, Scotland, on July
26, our Clan Chief Malcolm, Earl of Caithness,
represented Sinclairs around the world. The "Prince
Henry Sinclair Challenge Cup" was given by Niven
Sinclair to the best local athlete. The event featured a
giant barbecue, consisting of 6 sheep and one ox!
In Advocate, Nova Scotia there was a commemorative
concert and other 600th celebration events on July 31,
as reported by Neil St. Clair.
Ian & Frances Sinclair were hosts on August 1st at the
Sinclair tent at Tam O'Shanter Highland Games,
Easton, MA, where many people learned about Prince
In Detroit, MI, at the Highland Games, Gordon S.
Flaws had many displays about Prince Henry in his
Sinclair tent.
Once again in Advocate Harbor, Nova Scotia, there was
an ecumenical church service on August 2nd, dedicated
in part to Prince Henry Sinclair.
The Clan Douglas tent at the Central NY Highland
Games, in Syracuse, featured Prince Henry, thanks to
Cindi and Art Douglas.
On August 15th the Maine Highland Games in
Brunswick was attended by Mary Selver, who operated
the Clan Sinclair tent, which promoted Prince Henry's
14th century travels to America.
Ahead of us are several other events worthy of note. In
Altamont, NY, the Capital District Highland Games
will be attended on August 30th by Art & Cindi
Douglas on behalf of Prince Henry Sinclair. Sandra
Alexander will be at the Celtic Classic Festival in
Bethleham, PA on September 28. Ian & Frances
Sinclair plan to display at Goshen, CT & Scotland, CT,
0n October 3 and 11. Donald Sinclair will host the
Sinclair tent at Stone Mountain, GA, on October 15-18.
The Big Event
Most people are looking forward to the major event,
which will be from September 17 - 20 at the NH
Highland Games. Clan Sinclair has been selected as
the "Honored Clan", and its Clan Chief, Malcolm
Caithness, will be in attendance. An all-day symposium
will include a series of 1-hour seminars on a variety of
subjects relating to Prince Henry. All tickets for the
NHHG event must be obtained from the NH Highland
Games at 1-800-358-SCOT or at the gates.
See also
Immediately following, from September 21-23, will be
the Gathering of Clans at the Westford Regency Hotel,
Westford, MA. The program consists a Symposium,
banquet, reception, and harbor cruise. Registration
costs $15 per person. While the Symposium sessions
are free to all registrants, the Banquet is $35,
Reception is $15, and the Cruise is $15. Space is
limited, so send your check today, made out to
"Clan Gathering", 65 Hartwell St, West Boylston, MA,
Ongoing attraction
Ever since its opening early this Summer, a steady
stream of visitors has been enjoying the Prince Henry
Sinclair Monument and Picnic Area. It is located in
Guysborough, Nova Scotia on Route 16. Locally it has
been called Halfway Cove Lookout at the site where
Prince Henry is thought to have made his landing.
Today the Park has a huge stone monument,
surrounded by several informative panels, a 12-foot
picnic table, and bench seats. The view over
Chedabuctco Bay is impressive. Hundreds of tourists
have signed the Visitor's Log. A few of their comments
include "Spectacular", "Awesome piece of history",
"Great! Beautiful sight & love the signs", "Nice place,
"picture perfect", "History is great!", "Taxes well spent".
Incidentally, the displays and equipment at this Park
were not paid by taxpayers, but rather the Prince Henry
Sinclair Society, of which D'Elayne Coleman is
Prince Henry's Heros
During the past four years, the Prince Henry
Project Committee has held frequent meetings to
help coordinate the efforts of people in many parts
of the world on the subject of Prince Henry
Sinclair. At this time when the 600th celebrations
are nearly completed, it has been obvious that
certain people have contributed enormously more
than most. For this reason. the PHP Committee
has recognized "Prince Henry's Heros". A few are
listed below:
- Niven Sinclair
Businessman in London, whose youth was in
Caithness, Scotland, Niven Sinclair has
conducted boundless research on Henry
Sinclair. He founded "Friends of Rosslyn" and
the Sinclair Heritage Library in Caithness. At
his own expense he has disseminated his
findings generously without seeking personal
financial gain. He was the founder and major
sponsor of the Sinclair Symposium in Orkney in
1997. Truly, Niven has inspired thousands of
people to join his goal of bringing Prince Henry
the recognition he deserves.
- D'Elayne and Richard Coleman
From their Nova Scotia summer home,
D'Elayne and Richard have had outstanding
intellectual curiosity about Prince Henry
Sinclair. Theirs is an unshaken belief in his
saga. By organizing the Prince Henry Sinclair
Society, they have brought together hundreds of
supporters. Their Celebration Day in June
brought Mi'kmaq Indians into festivities with all
other visitors. In order to encourage youth,
D'Elayne has granted $100 awards for essays
about Prince Henry. She and her husband,
Richard, have demonstrated courageous
determination to create the Overlook Park,
featuring a large stone monument recognizing
Prince Henry.
- Elaine Sinclair Fowler
A school teacher in Vermont, Elaine has
visualized the need in the educational system to
include Prince Henry Sinclair in its course of
instruction. Accordingly, she has studied the
Sinclair Voyage saga and developed a
curriculum of activity units complying with the
Vermont Framework of Standards, aimed at
elementary and middle schools. Moreover,
Elaine has personally introduced this teacher's
guide to school systems in Fairfax, VT,
Westford, MA, Advocate, NS, Guysborough,
NS, and even Roslin, Scotland. Her three
books offer guidance to teachers everywhere.
- Gordon Sinclair Flaws
A resident of Midlothian, a small city in Illinois,
Gordon Flaws recognized the need for bringing
Scottish history, including the Prince Henry
saga, to the thousands of residents in his
community. Accordingly, he wrote six short
articles about Scotland, placed them weekly into
the city's newspaper, and encouraged the school
children to learn about their heritage by
offering a $1000 scholarship to the winner of a
Scottish history comprehension test. In
addition, Gordon has promoted Prince Henry at
the Sinclair tent at three Highland Games in
- Robert Sinclair Green
In New Jersey, Bob Green is a consulting
engineer and an avid boatman. He has
conducted research into the 14th century ships
used by Prince Henry Sinclair. With a keen
conviction he took on the challenge build a
Replica Ship. Relentlessly, he sought to raise
funds, but fell short. Nevertheless, he arranged
for models of Prince Henry's vessel to be
exhibited at the four major Highland Games in
eastern USA, seen by over a hundred thousand
persons. In addition, he has contributed funds
to the 1998 Celebration Clan Gathering.
- John Sinclair Quarterman
While he serves as president of an Internet-related startup company in
Texas, John Quarterman volunteered his time
and talent to maintain a Web Site,
for making
the monthly 600th Celebration Newsletters
available to a worldwide audiance. In addition,
John hosts an Internet electronic mail discussion list for
conversation about Sinclair genealogy and
Prince Henry. Thousands of persons have been
reached by John's devoted efforts.
- John Olin
A genealogist in Florida for Clan Gunn, John
Olin has volunteered his services to post the
monthly 600th Celebration Newsletters, as well
as descriptions of Prince Henry, Westford
Carving, and other related matters. Thousands
of "hits" are reported on John's Web Site,
- More Prince Henry's Heros
In our future newsletters we will list additional
persons who have provided unselfishly to
perpetuate the memory of Prince Henry
New Genealogy Book Unveiled
Just released to the printing presses after five years of
preparation, a new Sinclair genealogy is available in two
volumes. Its format complies with the Modified Register
System, refined by the National Genealogical Society.
The author, Pete Cummings, is the Genealogist of
Clan Sinclair. He has compiled the data from
many old publications as well as from Clan members.
Individuals are indexed by family surname and maiden
names, numbered for easy access to their ancestors
and descendants. See "Books Available" below.
Volume I, "Genealogy of Prince Henry Sinclair",
includes over 6,000 descendants of Prince Henry
Sinclair, including many members of Clan
Sinclair. It also traces Prince Henry's ancestry
back through Normandy to Norway. An
interesting feature of this book is a chapter which
describes the remarkable life and voyage of our
14th century hero. 417 pages, hard bound.
The second, Volume 2, has a title of , "Genealogy
of St. Clair & Sinclair Families". It contains the
Sinclair genealogical data for an additional 6,000
individuals whose ancestry has been traced more
than 100 years, but not yet linked to Prince
Henry. Many members of Clan Sinclair can be
found in the forty-five family lines which appear
in this volume. 460 pages, hard bound.
Books Available
References about our Medieval Scottish hero,
Prince Henry Sinclair, may be purchased from the
address shown on this Newsletter. Add 10% for
postage & handling.
- "Prince Henry Sinclair"
by Frederick J. Pohl $20
- "Sword of the North",
by Richard W. White $25
- "Sinclair's Voyage to America",
by H. S. Cummings, Jr. $20
- "Genealogy of Prince Henry Sinclair",
by Pete Cummings $70
- "Genealogy of St. Clair/Sinclair Families",
Pete Cummings $80
- "Teacher's Guide",
by Elaine S. Fowler $7
- "Prince Henry Coloring Book",
by Elaine S. Fowler $5
- "Who Was the Scottish Knight?",
by Elaine S. Fowler $5
- "Illustrated Guide - Rosslyn Chapel",
Wallace-Murphy, etc $20
- "Wee Sinclair Legends",
by H. S. Cummings $10
- "Ancient Mysteries",
by Robert Cahill $20
- "Templar Legacy, Masonic Inheritance",
Wallace-Murphy $25
- "The Hiram Key",
by Knight & Lomas $35
- "Holy Blood, Holy Grail",
by Baigent, etc. $20
Make plans today to attend the Clan Gathering
on September 20-23 in Westford, MA.
Registration Fees must be paid in advance;
See a prior Newsletter for the Form.
Clan Sinclair.
Last update: 99/06/20 11:36:43