History of Clan Sinclair
We start with
medieval history,
with the Norse and Norman
origins of the Sinclairs.
Then we intersperse countries such as
with events such as the battles of
Then we move on to
early modern history with events such as
the Battle of
in the Last Clan War.
Finally we have
modern history,
with events such as the
Battle of Eureka Stockade, Victoria, Australia
and a
Wedding in Caithness.
See also the web pages about
Laurel Fechner has constructed and is extended some elaborate
History Charts.
For context, see Paul Sinclair's
Timeline of Scottish History.
There is also a
A Timeline of Sinclair History.
And it is useful to know about
Kings of Scotland.
Here is a
map of Clan territories in Scotland.
From: Niven Sinclair <niven@niven.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 22:03:42 +0000
We need to encourage the young who, in this troubled and tormented
World, desperately need the stability of having family roots to which they
can turn with pride and endeavour to emulate in their own lives.
Roland St Clair, when injured turned his injury to good effect by giving us
The St Clairs of the Isles
which is the definitive work on the Sinclair family.
Unfortunately, it is now over 100 years old and needs to be updated and,
with the benefits of the internet, this is a task which is being accomplished
by Lena, Milamba,
and a host of others - not forgetting
the sterling work of the late Pete Cummings.
Above all, we have a Chief
who takes a positive and lively interest in the Clan.
And we have Ian Sinclair who, with his own hands, is turning Noss Head Light
House into a Sinclair Centre
of which we can all be justly proud.
If we all pull together we can set an example of cooperation and solidarity
which will be an example to others. Let that be our sole aim, ambition and
Niven Sinclair
What Other Clan?
From: Niven Sinclair <niven@niven.co.uk>
Date: Monday, July 05, 1999 9:20 AM
You ask what other Clan is closest to us.
None. We are exceptional. No family under the rank of Royalty has
a more distinguished history
or produced so many distinguished people over the Centuries. One
has only to look at their contribution
to the constitution and the history of America to realise that their
talents have cascaded down through
the generations just as they, themselves, have retained their Viking
wanderlust by spreading across the face of the Globe.
Let me quote a little from
The St Clairs of the Isles:
``The Saint-Clairs figure prominently in history, song and story. In
Normandy, they controlled
lands, castles and troops of men and were closely allied to royal blood.
At Hastings
their prowess was conspicuous and materially helped to
decide the fate of that
eventful day. They appear in the Battle Abbey roll.
Early in the 11th Century
William `the Seemly' St Clair settled
Scotland; soon his name
appears on the roll of the nobles of King Malcolm Canmore and
thenceforward for generations
his descendants are found in loyal support of the Scottish
monarchs who trusted them implicitly
through good and ill. Honoured with the confidence of the ancient
Celtic line; entrusted with the
defence of the Royal fortress during the wars of the Scottish
Succession; they were the companions
in arms of the patriot Bruce and, in later times, the St Clairs
shared in the triumphs and disasters
of the House of Stuart.''
I could cover the last 1,000 years of our history (even
before we took the name of St Clair)
with volume after
volume of facts and it would still be incomplete because, with
every passing day, I am discovering fresh
information about the Sinclairs and the part they played in the
development of Western civilisation and culture.
Let me give you one more
``All that was highest in marriage, lands and office they had in
England for nearly a Century after
the Conquest and the glow of their fame and their physical and
intellectual powers kept them high
for Centuries afterwards in a way which was rare to any one
particular lineage.''
We are also different in so far as we have always had a European
dimension. Our name is as well known in
as it is in Scotland. We held lands in every Province
of France and in Alsace. We are related to
the ex Royal House of Poland and, if we had won the
Battle of Val-es-Dunes
in 1047 against William 'the Bastard'
it is the Sinclairs who would have been the Royal House of England
and ipso facto of one quarter of the Globe.
We must never forget our history because `we are nothing without our
roots'. It gives us the confidence and
the stability to face up to life's vicissitudes in this increasingly
tormented and troubled World. I hope it will also
give us the courage and the desire to improve the lot of our fellow
man by becoming actively involved in our
respective communities. We can begin by giving support to our
Clan associations
because there is strength
in unity. The Sinclair
engrailed cross
the oriflamme
of our family
must be seen to herald a renaissance of
the spirit of chivalry and brotherhood which should govern all our lives.
With every good wish.
Niven Sinclair
Last changed: 00/05/28 14:52:39