(Subject: markings on a stone found in the Oak
Island pit, ostensibly Coptic. I'm requesting an exact copy if
Bruce, Erling:
In trying to track this
"stones'-markings-interchange" I'm a bit confused and hope someone can
weigh in: "Does anyone have a copy of the script apparently judged as Coptic by
early scholars?"
The info re a possible Phoenician application
begins to indicate that maybe the "scholars" in the beginning did not know
Coptic from anything else ...(?) which is hard to imagine but then, I'm always
suspicious. It would be very interesting to see an exact copy of the original
markings if such exists.
My own interest relates to the protosiniatic
version of Hebrew. It is my belief that the Sinclair Templars/Masons may have
used this version of Hebrew script which uses glyphs, largely geometric,
relating to the energetic dynamics of the grid system they used in major temples
(Chartres, Rosslyn, Montserrat, etc.) and earth grids. Their grid dynamics
predate 16th Century CE free booting privateers or pirates and this system was
used by Masons on up into the late 18th Century. (It was secret at the time so
no record is found other than in examples of their construction and other
applications... which I'm now studying.) Apparently the present Masons have lost
the codes.
This system ("Reshel") exists in Nova Scotia; about
five persons have independently discovered most of the grid including its
duplication in the Canadian and US East Coast. If we could do this then it would
be entirely logical that earlier persons, particularly Masons, could "read the
grids" and understand Oak Island's function. Protosiniatic Hebrew has the grid
code and has obviously spanned the ages, since about 1500 BCE, so it is possible
that it might have been used mixed in with other markings. I could determine
this if I could see the original exact copy.
In the event Coptic script is used it might also be
possible that original Hebrew is encoded. An example of this is the
situation now where the Christian scriptures in English overlays Greek which is
overlaying the original Hebrew (that was itself encoded).
Just a thought in passing. (I checked the geezfont
reference... no resemblance between Coptic and protosiniatic Hebrew
Bill Buehler
Bruce Carlyon wrote: "Lastly, I do not read Coptic, but my information is the copy of the markings on the stone are actually Phoenician. >From memory, is coptic more of a flowing script, where Phoenician is angular Letters." Erling answered:
"Sorry, Bruce: Coptic is not more of a flowing script. I'm married to an eritrean woman, the alphabet of their language (Tigrinya) IS the coptic alphabet. I see it every day. It's not a flowing script, actually it looks like something in between hebrew and demotic. Lastly: The coptic script is actually called Ge'ez. "If you'd like to see a sample, go to the following link to get info on Ge'ez support software for computers. http://www.geezfont.com/ Greetings, Erling" |