RE your great observation: "I always have my doubts
about those who profess to be holier than the rest of us. It is the sinner who
has my trust."
I concur! Not only because I'm a 7th Fleet sailor
at heart, but also because I've observed over a few dozen years of close
interaction with those striving for spiritual expansion, that those with the
worst problem are the ones who know most about the cure. Clearly this applies to
those who've managed to make significant progress ...many have not but even
those persons have very useful views of whatever the situation is that ails
them. ...Makes us all experts?
At my age about the only sin left that bears the
effort is too much morning coffee, sneaking an occasional dash of bourbon
and cream. Sort of an Irish Coffee a la "Ken-tauk." But I suppose one can always
Blessings, Niven, as always...