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Re: Ang: Estotiland
At 09:41 28/09/00 +0200, you wrote:
>kevin wrote: "Would anyone know what 'Estotiland' means"
>Estotiland could possibly mean Greenland or Nova Scotia, according to old
>sources. It's also mentioned in John Milton's Paradise Lost - but as an
>imaginary tract of land.
Just as the Spaniards referred to the whole of America as Florida (now only
a State);
the Arabs referred to the whole of the Iberian Peninsula as
Andalusia (now only a Province);
the Norse referred to the whole of North America as
'Engroneland' which included Baffin Island,
Labrador (Helluland) Newfoundland (Markland)
Estotiland (Nova Scotia),
Vinland (New England).
The settlers of Greenland (as we know it today)
could not have survived
without provisions from the New World. The saga
of Eric 'the Red' as
told in the "Kings Mirror" and the Bull of Pope
Alexander VI describes
Greenland as country 'barren of bread and
oil'. There are reports of a
Bishop John of Ireland meeting his death in
Vinland in 1066 and Bishop
Eric (of Gardar) attending to his flock in Vinland
(1121) from which he
did not return. A bishop's seat was invariably in
the centre of his diocese
and, that being so, Gardar would fit in
with that norm if one takes in the
North American territories. It is a
matter of historical record that the Norse
were in the New World from the 10th
Century onwards. Read Storm,
Rafn, Inverson, Nansen, Rousell, Gunnar
Thompson et al.
I do not know whether Zeno was the first person to
use the word "Estotiland"
to describe the land (now known as Nova Scotia)
but the name persists in
subsequent maps, notably that of DeVirga (1414)
Claudius Clavius (1424) and
was still being used by Resen (1605). Most of the
map makers rely heavily
on the Zeno map and the known voyages
of Nicholas of Lynn in the mid 1300's
There are a whole host of pre-Columbian maps
which cover North America
whilst DeVirga's map (mentioned above)
covers South America as far South as
South America was known to the Romans as Cattigara
to the Indians as
Patal India
to the Arabs as Wag-Waq
to the Spaniards as
It was here that Francisco Pizarro found hoards
of Inca Gold in 1533
People have the mistaken belief that the World was populated by
land-lubbers before the advent of Columbus.
They have also the mistaken belief that the Europeans were the only people
who could sail ships.
If one studies the many histories of early voyages, a completely different
picture emerges. In particular.
there is an urgent need to study the maps and reports of the Richard
Hakluyt Society which, I believe, will
give proof positive of Henry Sinclair's voyages. Some of the maps are
believed to be reproduced in
Ridpath's History of America. Others are said to be with the Hakluyt
Society in London (now incorporated
in the British Museum) but my early attempts at gaining access did not meet
with any success. Perhaps,
someone with more time on their hands, can take up the search.
But back to "Estotiiland": Andrew Sinclair suggests that "Estotiland" may
be a corruption of "East Scotland"
where Henry Sinclair had his Scottish Estates
but I prefer Erling's suggestion.
Place names invariably describe the
terrain e.g. Helluland: the stony land; Markland:
the wooded land; Vinland: the land of the
vine. Greenland was, of course, the
exception and was said to be part of
the ruse to attract settlers there. One wonders
Niven Sinclair
> >>> kevrik@shaka.com 27.09.00 19:40 >>>
>Would anyone know what 'Estotiland' means and why Prince Henry named his new
>lands with that particular name? Great information about Prince Henry's
>voyages, thanks to all involved. A great time to be on the list ! Mahalo ,
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