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Re: purpose of this list
Dear John,
As a relative newcomer to this list ( no pun intended)
I have been thoroughly enjoying the conversation for
some three months, as a mouse in a corner of your
living room. What an intelligent, loving and caring
family we are. I am a St. Clair on my mother's side,
and until the last two years had not been aware of the
rich heritage, having been content to know that the
Deans appeared on the Massachusetts shores about 19
years after the Pilgrims, and some, including my line,
went west with the pioneers, where in about 1910 my
father met Laura Agnes St. Clair at a little Baptist
college in Des Moines, Iowa (now removed to Sioux
Falls, S. Dakota.) From Des Moines College, after a
year's pastorate in eastern Iowa, my folks settled in
upstate NY, where Dad completed Divinity School and
spent out his 95 years as a pastor, mother doing a
yeo-womanly job of raising nine children. Over the
years since their golden wedding anniversary in 1965
we "nine" have kept a family letter going, misnamed
the "Dean Family Letter" or more simply DFL, I say
misnamed, since we have come to realize in recent
years that we are the Dean-St. Clair Family.
I say all this to tell you how grateful I am to be
able to read your correspondance every day, and how
proud I am to realize what an illustrious heritage we
share. John, your letter of yesterday was my
introduction to exactly what this correspondance is
all about, and I say Praise God for it. There are too
many comments from too many of you for me to do
justice in thanking you individually, but I think
someone, in reference to the ethnic mix now existant
in the family said, "there are no races, only one
human race." That sums up my feelings.
With regard to those who say unkind or inappropriate
things, I have let them pass (usually deleted the
message quickly) and chalk them up to such a spirit as
sibling rivalry or a quick temper. It has been well
said that whereas email is a wonderful medium to
facilitate communication on a personal level, once the
message is sent it cannot be withdrawn, and we have to
live with our mistakes.
I think this is a wonderful correspondance. I'm
planning to be in Halifax in August and hope that
Laura Zolo has arrived by then. I'm sorry I haven't
had the gumption to get to Scotland for the reunion
this summer and will be with the clan in spirit, even
though I can not see myself in kilts. But at the age
of 78, I am grateful to have been introduced to such a
terrific group of cousins, and through you all, to my
Sinclair, St. Clair, Sinkler and even Viking
ancestors! Blessings on you all, especially you,
John, and on the family. Bruce, from Long Island, NY
--- "John S. Quarterman" <jsq@matrix.net> wrote:
> Folks,
> It is sad that I have to say this, but it seems that
> I must remind
> all of you about the purpose of this list.
> The Sinclair Family Discussion List,
> sinclair@matrix.net, is for
> discussions of history, genealogy, family matters,
> or anything else
> that is related to Sinclair family.
> However, it is *not* for ad hominem attacks,
> pursuing vendettas,
> or sending hate mail to other list members; not even
> off the list.
> Now I am merely the guy who maintains the mailing
> list. So you may
> be wondering what do I have to say about anything
> anyone sends off
> the list. Well, in my mind, it's like this. You're
> all chatting
> in my living room. If one of you then goes outside
> and is followed
> by another who makes threats, I don't like that.
> That's not what
> I am running this list for. My tolerance is very
> high, but it does
> not extend that far.
> Therefore, I am faced with two possibilities if this
> occurs.
> 1) I can stop running the list. This means either
> someone else takes
> it over (quite possible), or it simply stops (also
> possible).
> 2) I can remove from the list anyone for whom I have
> evidence of
> threats against anyone else on this list. I will
> not act on hearsay.
> But if anyone provides to me a message demonstrating
> a threat or ad hominem
> attack by one list member against another, I will
> remove the threatener
> from the list immediately.
> Now it may be that (2) is not acceptable to the list
> members,
> or to the various clan organizations, or to the
> Chief.
> If so, speak now. I would be just as happy to take
> option (1)
> in that case.
> This list is, from my point of view, my personal
> hobby.
> I maintain it because I and others find personal
> enjoyment
> in it. I am not willing to spend my personal time
> on it
> if it is to become a vehicle for threats or attacks
> against
> its members.
> This is a sad day when I have to say these things.
> But that day has come.
> Thanks,
> John
> --
> John S. Quarterman <jsq@matrix.net>
> [ This is the Sinclair family discussion list,
> sinclair@mids.org
> [ To get off or on the list, see
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