The primary application of the concept of race
is the sub-population of human species. People are different. Race
refers only to genetic composition of human population. When you speak of
the interjection into the Sinclair list of racial classifications, it's in
response to an Australian's comment concerning Black people. The racial
classifications are well known. Theory there are some races that do not
fit into any of the classifications They have absolutely nothing to do
with ethnic cleansing. Ethnic cleansing normally occurs between members of
the same race. Bosnia (Caucasian against Caucasian), Christians and
Muslims (Tribe against Tribe), The Holocaust (Caucasian against
Caucasian)... I fail to see how anything could possibly be regarded as
racist by classifying people by their racial characteristics. There are
some groups of people who fail to reach to fit any of the 5 racial
All of the racial cleansings are in fact ethnic
cleansings. I find that, in passing on the information of Blumenbach,
we're simply recognising there are simply different races of men. The P.S.
on the bottom of my message is followed by the internet symbol for
tongue-in-cheek. I do not believe in any race being superior to another or
that whiskey is necessarily a good thing. I notice in Sinclair, Peter
(SINP) that he's talking about nationality, which has nothing to do with
race. Anthropologists today define people more by geographical or social
criteria than by race. Racial, ethnic, linguistic and cultural origins are
more or less independent of one another. Random factors contribute to the
fluidity of races. These are simply milestones in the long history of
man. Intermarriage between races and subsequent interbreeding produces
more often than not, characteristics of a mixed nature.
Perhaps if we didn't think of ourselves by
geographical distribution but rather as members of a common family sharing the
brotherhood of man under the fathership of God, such atrocities as the ethnic
(not racial cleansing as you cite) would not occur.
As ever,