----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2000 1:50
Subject: Tribal Decent
In two of the local Xhosa Tribes
of South Africa, the Tembu and
descent of the Chieftainship
is direct, that is usually to the eldest male
but the tribal elders could sometimes enforce a
choice of
another child, if the eldest was not seen to be a
good leader.
Also a Chieftainess was also not unknown. Nelson
Mandela is
of the Tembu Tribe.
This is similiar in the case of the Khoi ( or
Hottentot) Tribe
who were at the Cape when the white man
arrived, and some of whose descendents bear
Sinclair name either by virtue of their ownership
(as a slave)
by a Sinclair, or by marriage to a Sinclair, or
by being a
servant to a Sinclair and taking the masters
In the north of South Africa there is a Tribe,
the Pedi, whose
Queen Mujaji is a Lady ("the Rain Queen ") and
she has a number of wives.
These wives produce a female heir who is clearly
not a biological relation to
the Queen.
Mark Anderson