Just had an opportunity to read some back-log
I am very surprised to read Mr. Don Sinclair, St.
Albert, AB (By the way, apparently you are not up to date regarding the
new metric symbols for provincial abbreviations as this is the correct
way to abbreviate - welcome to the year 2000 Buckey!
I for one happen to enjoy reading all kinds of
information posted on this web site - not like some narrow minded people who
only want to read correspondence if it agrees with their way of
My dad had a good comment I wish to relay to
you, he says you sound like one that has lived off of the government
traugh all of his life. Isn't freedom of speech
There is a point of stating your mind and then there
is being outright rude!
If you don't enjoy reading various opinions you
could just delete them rather that "dwelling in the negative
C. Woodson
Manitoba (MB for short!)