It's possible for two people to have different perspectives on something and both be on solid ground...there doesn't always have to be one winner...except in sports...are we into penalty shots yet? Or are we back to curling...?
I'm finding that there is a more-or-less complete breakdown in communication and understanding in this country and this war-time fighting mentality should be a thing of the comes from government, the media, and us...if people work together they can accomplish far more...
I have experienced several case studies in this during the past two months...and I appear to be on about it a bit...the media didn't care what Ashley MacIsaac really was up to on New Year's - they just wanted a front page screaming headline, then they struggled with the impact of John Morris Rankin's death, reporting without time to understand...for readers who can't understand the comix...
The Government of Nova Scotia is out navel-gazing to see what we should do about our non-existant economy which brought out the statistic that there is a stunning 40-50% functional illiteracy rate in this province - thanks obviously to the members of our militant Teachers Union who take to the streets at the slightest provocation...our food supply has been paralysed for the past two days by Truckers who are complaining about fuel prices - something we're all complaining about...but not enough to force the food supply...
I'm sorry, this is nuts - and it's because individuals can not read and write and understand...and fall into truth-traps and triggers...God help us wonder nothing gets done in Nova Scotia anymore...
But there is always
thing ya'll should watch is another growing groundswell and discussion
to make Cape Breton a separate Province - giving self-determination in
this time of incredible change and hardship...there's the possibility of
starting over and getting it right - another opportunity for a New's
not even much of a stretch: Distinct Culturally and Geographically - always
pushed around and told what to do by Halifax (founded by Edward Cornwallis,
commander of a British regiment at Cullodan...)...or worse, Ottawa...lots
of bright five years - it may be so, especially if they
draw on the recent experiences of Scotland...and do the right marketing
- and if the media doesn't screw it up by being so contrary...
With regards to the issues you raise about differing needs of individuals - it seems to me that drug-trigger semi-psychic experiences would be personalized, especially at first, before they open up to the wider world and knowledge and visions would come un-bidden and without prior direct exposure to the subject/object...
It's the same as a crystal ball becoming the focus of vision to those who may have some...because they focus on the ball as a trigger, maybe they are missing a whole world of vision that they could reach by just tuning in to, and then developing their minds...
Maybe it wasn't bad church dogma at first to discourage
cults of relics - maybe they act in the same way...I'm way out of my depth
on this one - there must be others who can pursue this line of thought
more clearly...
Randy Sinclair wrote:
Rob;In Niven's defense - I do go to the Raves here in Halifax. In my younger days - those mind 'altering' drugs do indeed take you to a different level. Much like the 60's I am sure with places like Woodstock. Raves induce several levels of visual plains heightened by lazers; pulsing rhythums and you can sense in the room when everyone is affected by the 'trance' affect. But; I have found when peered with my friends on the same 'trip' - I would mention several fascinating things I could vision and see in my mind or try to describe to my friends. In sincerity and self-belief; I saw these things; but they all aclaimed not noticing the same affect. I can visions cities that don't exist, plains of travel that haven't been produced yet; and Cathedrals of some 'dimension' unknown - all in fun though.I also find my friends would have to 'consume' greater doses of whatever was the trend at the time. I am not fearful in my digression of saying I have tried drugs in my youth ( which would allude to only 2-3 years ago ) - I am sure many of us have. But; my point is I would never have to take near the same amount as my friends would and found my duration and visions were sincerely heightened more profound. I have a cousin in Saint John, New Brunswick who is 23 - he says he can smoke pot and then he says he can play video games with his eyes closed. ( Danny Sinclair )But; who knows - he also says he can predict the future, and this guy is one of the most 'normal' calmest, shy person ( Sinclair ) I have ever met. :)Randy Sinclair[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, [ To get off or on the list, see,
I agree with you entirely because, as human beings, we have a choice for good or for
evil. Nevertheless, "that which is born in the bone can never be driven out of the blood".Our genes make us what we are. The nature/nurture argument has always been with
but I know, at a level far beneath the foundations of reasons and experience, that we
Sinclairs have always had a special role to play in the affairs of our fellow men. Many
have performed this role - others, for fear of failure, have opted out because they haven't
realised (and, therefore, haven't released) the true talents which lie within them.Niven Sinclair