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Re: Andrew COTTINGHAM please contact me.
I've corresponded with Karen many times. You can be sure her material is 100%.
I have little time today, but asap - I will check out the data you gave me.
Andrew J. Cottingham Jr wrote:
> Toni, Mary Campbell, of Kilokoman married first Dan Arch, or Daniel Arch
> Sinclair. At his death she married Joe McDonald. Her son from first
> marriage, Daniel married when a young man Flora McKenzie. Their first
> born, Catherine was my great-grandmother. When she was a babe of one year
> they left Scotland and immigrated to America, going first to Canada, staying
> there for supposedly eight years, coming then to Fayetteville, N.C., where
> Daniel was captain of a steamboat on Cape Fear River. In a few months they
> returned to Canada, coming back to Marion county, S.C. in approximately
> 1830, buying a large farm where they lived until their death. Catherine
> married Andrew Cottingham 17 Nov 1840. Mary Campbell Sinclair McDonald was
> born in Kilokoman in 1772 and immigrated to America in 1840 and died June
> 30th, 1859. Daniel Sinclair her son born Kilokoman 24 March 1794,
> immigrated to America 1820, died 7 June 1855. Flora McKenzie, born
> Kilokoman 17 Oct 1798, immigrated to America 1820, died Jul 17th, 1858.
> Catherine was born 18 Feb 1819, immigrated to America in 1820 and died 6 Apr
> 1884. Andrew Cottingham born Marlboro county S.C. on Cottingham Creek 5 Jan
> 1818 and died 6 Jan 1903.
> I received a letter form Karen M. on 30 June 1999 in which she said "I
> took a few minutes to check my database. I have Daniel and Flora in Marion
> County, S.C. in 1825 (deed), then 1830, 1840, 1850 (censuses). Daniel died
> bef 18 Oct 1855 in Marion, S.C. where his estate was probated. Flora died
> in 1858, also in Marion County, S.C. Their son William K. "of Chickasaw,
> MS" gave Power of Attorney in estate matters to "A. Cottingham."" She goes
> on to verify other names that I have in my history. This is the only
> contact that I have had with Karen M. Well, so you can see that at least one
> other person has information that verifies my dates etc concerning certain
> things , but I have no information about Family background in Scotland
> except what I have given you. I have names of Siblings of Catherine and
> other relatives, but nothing before Mary Campbell Sinclair. Someone must
> have had some info in order to put this together for me.
> Does this help in ;any way? Andy Cottingham (ian@texas.net)
> I've checked all my Islay information.
> Unfortunately,
> records for Kilchoman Parish don't start until 1821. However, I checked the
> other 2
> parish records going back into the 1700s, and can't find a Daniel Sinclair,
> either in
> birth/baptisms, marriages or deaths. Neither can I find the birth of a
> Catharine to Daniel
> S. and Flora McKenzie. I've also checked for any Sinclairs marrying a
> McKenzie, and
> still cannot come up with any of them.
> I have a copy of the book"Day Book of Daniel Campbell of Shawfield" which is
> a
> great history of the island between 1767, when he acquired most of the
> island,
> to 1798. It
> shows many lists of tenants on the various farms, and although Daniel
> Sinclair
> is not
> listed as one of them, there is a Daniel Sinclair who signed as a witness to
> a
> lease in
> 1769, and another in 1773, as a servant to Shawfield. "Servant" could mean
> clerk, or
> other type of employee. The fact that he could sign his name, when most of
> the
> tenants
> only made their marks, might indicate that he was better educated than most.
> I have a few questions for you:
> 1. Daniel was born 1794, do you know where?
> 2. Did he emigrate to South Carolina with his daughter?
> 3. He died in 1855, do you know where?
> If your Daniel isn't the one in the book, I don't know if I can help you any
> further. Although I have hundreds of Sinclair names listed on Islay, none
> of
> them are a "Daniel"!
> Rebecca - do you have any Daniels in the Carolina Sinclairs?
> Toni S.
> Andrew J. Cottingham Jr wrote:
> > Toni, Sorry it took me so long to respond. I was away for a while and
> then
> > had the flu and finally too many things to catch up on. I am not really a
> > researcher of Genealogy but more of a collector. My Great-grandmother was
> a
> > Sinclair born on Islay. I will share anything I have with you and would
> > love to know anything I can about my Sinclairs. Andy
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-sinclair@mids.org [mailto:owner-sinclair@mids.org]On Behalf
> > Of Toni Sinclair
> > Sent: Thursday, December 30, 1999 9:01 AM
> > To: sinclair@mids.org
> > Subject: Re: Andrew COTTINGHAM please contact me.
> >
> > Andy Cottingham
> >
> > You are a popular man today! I just saw your message on the Argyll
> bulletin
> > board. and
> > noticed you are researching Sinclairs from Islay. Can we compare notes?
> >
> > Toni Sinclair
> > (researching Neil Sinclair and Christian Campbell - Islay)
> >
> > [ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@mids.org
> > [ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
> [ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@mids.org
> [ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
> [ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@mids.org
> [ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@mids.org
[ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html