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Fw: H. St.Clair [GLSHIPS-L] 1902 shipwreck
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Perhaps someone will recognize the unfortunate H. St.Clair.
> From: Charles H Rutherford <cruther@juno.com>
> To: GLSHIPS-L@rootsweb.com
> Subject: [GLSHIPS-L] 1902 shipwreck
> Date: Monday, December 14, 1998 10:25 AM
> Although the information I am posting is probably available in various
> libraries, I will send it along in the hope it might help someone. This
> information comes from a newspaper article which I photocopied.
> 23 Nov. 1902
> The steamer Sylvanus J Macy foundered and all on board were lost.
> They were:
> Captain M.W.Gotham Richland city Wi.
> First Mate M.A. Gotham Richland City Wi.
> Engineer W.F. Gregory 312 Fort St. Detroit Mi.
> 2nd Engineer George Webb Marine City
> Cook Mrs M. Granger
> Wheelsman W.F. Giese
> Wheelsman W.H. Donavon
> Lookout H. St.Clair
> Lookout L.R. Gotham Richland City Wi.
> Fireman Mark Hornby
> Fireman James Mack
> Deck hand John Hanolly
> Deck hand James Mahoney
> The Macy was towing the barge Mabel Wilson with Captain J.E. Gotham,
> brother of M.W. Gotham on board the Wilson. It further states that the
> list of names might be slightly erroneous as they were taken from the
> trip sheet of the last voyage. Two of the men who sailed on the Macy
> several years,
> John Nugent and ? McCord quit the ship in Buffalo before she sailed.
> There is more to the article but this lists the event and people
> involved.
> cruther@juno.com
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