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Re: Catherine and Hughes de Payens
- To: owner-sinclair <owner-sinclair@zilker.net>, sinclair <sinclair@zilker.net>
- Subject: Re: Catherine and Hughes de Payens
- From: John Duguid <John.Duguid@snl.co.uk>
- Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 08:37:54 +0000 (GMT)
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[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@zilker.net. [ For more
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Someone was looking for confirmation of Catherine St. Clair's marriage to
Hughes. On page 22 of Pete's Sinclair Symposium Narratives, it says, "The
first Grand Master was Hughes de Payens, and he was married to Catherine St.
Clair of Normandy. They visited Rosslyn during one winter season, hosted by
tgheir distant cousin, Henry St. Clair." If the source document that tells
about this visit could be sited, that might help this someone out.
Many of our line of St. Clairs were called "sir" doesn't that title given
so early in history mean that they were Templars? And they got married. Laurel
Portland, OR
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The someone searching for information on this topic was me. This is the
standard story trotted out about Catherine Sinclair but I have yet to find
contemporary evidence of the existance of Catherine sinclair far less her
marraige to Hugh de Payn. The Sir by no means indicates a connection to the
knights Templar. I have even been told by a medieval scholar that the Sinclairs
were originally vassals in Normandy rather than powerful landowners, I am still
waiting the charter references which will proove this statement.
So if anyone can help I am interested in evidence for the existance of
Catharine Sinclair, her marraige to Hugh de Payn and the Sinclair links to the
knights templar.
John Duguid
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