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Re: 600 th Nova Scotia Celebration
Dear Randy Sinclair,
Here's a list of Canadian 600th Anniversary Events
Places, Dates, and Contacts. As you know,
The year for Scots to celebrate their
600th anniversary is 1998! Certainly this is
a time for all of us to have great pride in our
heritage. Twelve sailing ships, led by
Prince Henry Sinclair and manned by
200-300 Scottish Knights and Monks, set
foot on the North American continent in
1398. Their navigator was Antonio Zeno
from Venice, Italy.
Theirs was a voyage of exploration and
settlement. They were not conquistadors
as were many other explorers. Instead,
they were welcomed by the Micmac
Native Americans. The Europeans were
peaceful and harmonious, setting an
excellent example for us to follow today,
600 years later.
About 30 celebrations will take place in many
locations in the USA and Nova Scotia.
Each will have some form of recognition
of Prince Henry and his Scottish companions.
To find more information about any of
these event, contact the person listed,
who has organized the Prince Henry
celebration in that area.
This information has been prepared by the
Prince Henry Project Committee,
PO Box 158, Worcester, MA, 01613. Contact its
chairman, Pete Cummings, at 508-835-2900 or
henry1398@aol.com. See our Web Sites at
http://www.mids.org/sinclair/600/ or
2 Jun 98
Landfall Medieval Feast
Halifax, NS
William E. Sinclair
200 Spinnaker Dr
Halifax, NS, B3N3C6, Canada
4 July 98
Metro Highland Games & Events
Halifax, Nova Scotia
William E. Sinclair
200 Spinnaker Dr
Halifax, NS, B3N3C6, Canada
13-14 July 98
Prince Henry Celebration
Guysborough, NS
William E. Sinclair
200 Spinnaker Dr
Halifax, NS, B3N3C6, Canada
17 Jul - 2 Aug 98
600th Celebration Events
Advocate & Parrsboro
Neil St. Clair
19 Soley Cove Rd.
Lower Economy, NS, BOM1J0
31 Jul 98
Commemorative Concert
Advocate Harbour, Cape D'Or, NS
Neil St. Clair
19 Soley Cove Rd.
Lower Economy, NS, BOM1J0
2 Aug 98
Ecumenical Church Service
Advocate Harbour, NS
Neil St. Clair
19 Soley Cove Rd.
Lower Economy, NS, BOM1J0
Yours Aye, Pete Cummings