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We're up to 24 list members after only a few days.
That's tiny compared to ROOTS-L, but very respectable
compared to the average genealogical list.
Please make a note of the appended instructions,
particularly of the part about unsubscribing, in preparation
for the unlikely event that you should ever want to do that.
Feel free to ask questions or to start discussions.
There is no moderator, and no agenda.
The list is what you make of it.
Introduction to the Sinclair Mailing List
This is the electronic mailing list
It is a mailing list for the extended Sinclair family. All
relatives of the Sinclair family, including those with surnames
spelled St. Clair, Sinkler, and others, are invited to
Members of Clan Sinclair U.S.A. are especially invited to
participate, as are our cousins in Canada, U.K., Australia, New
Zealand, South Africa, and other parts of the world.
To subscribe, send a message like this:
To: majordomo@zilker.net
Subject: whatever
subscribe sinclair
When you subscribe, please also post a message to
sinclair@zilker.net describing your relation to one of these
To unsubscribe, send a message like this:
To: majordomo@zilker.net
Subject: whatever
unsubscribe sinclair
The list is archived, and the archives are available to list
members. For the appropriate Majordomo commands to retrieve
them, send mail to majordomo@zilker.net with the word "help" in
the body (not subject) of the message.
These WWW pages lead to much material and other WWW pages
about Sinclairs:
Each of those pages also points to a web form for subscribing to
and unsubscribing from the list.
Last changed: 97/12/23 16:42:19