Prince Henry
To promote recognition of Henry Sinclair, 14th Century explorer
of North America, and to celebrate the 600th anniversary in 1998
January/February 1998 Issue
Published by Prince Henry Project Committee
65 Hartwell Street, West Boylston, MA, 01583, USA
Phone: 508-835-2900 Fax: 508-835-2944
E-Mail: henry1398@aol.com
John S. Quarterman
This is our year! 1998 is the 600th anniversary
of Prince Henry's epic voyage to America.
This newsletter will keep you informed of the
celebration events. Here's what you'll find in this
Certainly this is a time for pride in our
heritage. Twelve sailing ships, led by Prince
Henry Sinclair and manned by 200-300
Scottish Knights and Monks, set foot on the
North American continent in 1398. Their
navigator was Antonio Zeno from Venice,
Theirs was a voyage of exploration and
settlement. They weren't conquistadores as were
many other explorers. Instead, they were
welcomed by the Micmac Native Americans.
The Europeans were peaceful and harmonious,
setting an excellent example for us to follow
today, 600 years later.
Our celebrations will take place in many
locations in the USA and Nova Scotia. Listed in
this newsletter are some of the events you may
want to visit. Each will recognize Prince Henry
and his Scottish companions. To find more information
about any of these event, contact the person listed,
who has organized the Prince Henry celebration in that
In a few weeks, on February 21-22, Prince Henry
Sinclair and his 200-300 Scottish companions will
be honored at the Scottish Weekend in Moultrie, GA.
Pre-registration is strongly suggested.
Call Beth Gay at the Odom Library at 912-890-2401.
There is a full and exciting schedule of events.
Friday, Feb. 20 |
| 7:00 pm Ceilidh & Dutch Treat Supper |
Saturday, Feb. 21 |
| Celebrity guest will be Cliff Robertson |
| Symposium, all day starting at 9:00 am |
| | Special Collections, by Kathering Shelfer |
| | Scottish Sea Chanties, by Eric Duncan |
| | How to Wear Your Scottish Wardrobe, by Andy Mowatt |
| | Slide & Exhibits of a Scottish Artist, by Ardell Morton |
| | Harry Lauder, by George & Carol Worthley |
| | Heraldry, by Dr. David Johnson |
| | Prince Henry Sinclair's Voyage, by Pete Cummings |
| | Knights Templar, by Douglas Talley |
| | Rosslyn Chapel, by Peter Geery, Shawn Steadman, & Brock Moss |
| | Council of Scottish Clans & Assoc, by Bob McWilliam |
| | Scottish Handmade Heirlooms, by Valery Gray |
| | Scottish Art in the 20th Century, by Susan Wilson |
| Entertainment & Display |
| | Mowatt's Scottish Classsics |
| | Weems & Sons Booksellers |
| | Ardell Morton's Scottish paintings |
| | Tape sales by Carl Peterson, George & Carol Worthley,
Eric Duncan, Rixey & MacMillan |
| | Susan Wilson's Contempoorary Scottish Art |
The schedule of events in Westford has been set. It will be
important to make your reservations promptly, as space is
limited. For prices and details, contact Pete Cummings, General
Chairman, at PO Box 150, Worcester, MA, 01613, or email at
Monday, Sep 21 | 9:00 am | Registration |
| 10:00 am | Symposium (in hour sessions) |
| 2:00 pm | Commissioners Meeting |
| 7:00 pm | Clan Banquet |
Tues, Sep 22 | 9:00 am | Schedule tours to the Westford Knight ledge |
| 2:00 pm | Meeting of Clan Membership |
| 7:00 pm | Reception |
Wednesday, Sep 23 | 8:30 am | Harbor Tour #1 |
| 10:00 am | Harbor Tour #2 |
| 1:30 pm | Luncheon in Exeter |
| 3:00 pm | Tour of Exeter |
21-22 Feb 98
Scottish Weekend,
Moultrie, GA
Contact: Beth Gay
PO Box 1110
Moultrie, GA, 31776
16-17 May 98
Boothbay Scottish Hertiage
Festival, Boothbay, ME
Contact: Mary Selver
42 Hampshire Drive
Nashua, NH, 03063
27 Jun 98
Western MA Highland Games,
Northampton, MA
Contact: Ian & Frances Sinclair
61 Absalona Hill Road
Chepachet, R.I., 02814
2 Jun 98
Landfall Medieval Feast
Halifax, NS
Contact: William E. Sinclair
200 Spinnaker Dr
Halifax, NS, B3N3C6, Canada
18 June 1998
Grand Master's Fair
Charlton, MA
Contact: Matthew Mallard
473 Mill Street
Worcester, MA, 01602
27 Jun 98
Illinois Highland Games
Midlothian, IL
Contact: Gordon S. Flaws
14910 Ridgeway Ave
Midlothian, IL, 60445
4-13 July 98
Metro Highland Games & Events
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Contact: William E. Sinclair
200 Spinnaker Dr
Halifax, NS, B3N3C6, Canada
9-12 Jul 98
Grandfather Mountain Games
Linville, NC
Contact: Bradley S. Barker
3211 Big Woods Rd
Chapel Hill, NC, 27514
17 Jul - 2 Aug 98
Advocate & Parrsboro
600th Celebration Events
Contact: Neil St. Clair
19 Soley Cove Rd.
Lower Economy, NS, BOM1J0
18 Jul 98
Glasgow Lands Scottish Festival
Blanford, MA
Contact: Ian & Frances Sinclair
61 Absalona Hill Road
Chepachet, R.I., 02814
25-26 Jul 98
Alexandria Scottish Games
Alexandria, VA
Contact: Susan Grady
6330 Hillcrest Place
Alexandria, VA, 22312
22 Aug 98
Quechee Scottish Festival
Quechee, VT
Contact: Mary Selver
42 Hampshire Drive
Nashua, NH, 03063
17-20 Sep 98
NH Highland Games
Lincoln, NH
Contact: Elmer E. Eldredge
447 Sixth Street
Dover, NH, 03820
21-23 Sep 98
Clan Gathering
Westford & Exeter
Contact: Mary Selver
42 Hampshire Drive
Nashua, NH, 03063
25-27 Sep 98
Celtic Classic Festival
Bethleham, PA
Contact: Sandra S. Alexander
944 Hedgerow Ct
Blue Bell, PA, 19422
15-18 Oct 98
Stone Mountain Games
Stone Mountain, GA
Contact: Donald L. Sinclair
9160 Four Mile Creek Rd
Gainesville, GA, 30506
Never before in the history of mankind has it
been more important to practice Harmonious Diversity!
We all need to sharpen our skills in tact and
understanding. World conflicts, as well as our
own personal misunderstandings, would disappear
if we were more harmonious. Peace and good will
would be all around us.
Let us learn from the 600-year-old saga of
Prince Henry Sinclair. He and his crew of
Knights and Monks can teach us an important
lesson. Diverse was their impact, for the
Native Americans welcomed them.
An example Six Centuries ago, which we should
follow today. Let's teach this important lesson
to our family and friends, and to the children in
schools. This anniversary year gives us
the opportunity of focusing our attention on
peaceful co-existance among all peoples. That is,
"Harmonious Diversity."
(responded by Pete Cummings)
- Are you sure that Prince Henry Sinclair really
discovered America before Columbus?
- a.
- Yes, I am! Historians are very correct in
seeking conclusive evidence. Unfortunately, the
documentation about Henry Sinclair is
fragmentary. Thus many people have expressed
doubts. Others, have studied the saga of the
Voyage of 1398, and they are willing to accept
the basic premise that Prince Henry Sinclair
explored America 94 years before the time of
- b.
- You may ask,
"why do people doubt the story?"
The answer is obvious when you think that
there were no public relations agents and no
media 600 years ago. (Unlike a century later,
when Columbus benefited from the printing
press to project his story.) The reports of the
Sinclair Voyage reached very few ears, and just
as important, the leading characters quickly
vanished. In effect, the story was withheld!
- i.
- Prince Henry died in battle in Orkney soon
after his return from America. Some
people believe he was assasinated by
members of the Hanseatic League, who
were threated by his success in finding new
trade routes.
- ii.
- The Navigator for Sinclair's fleet, Antonio
Zeno, also died after his return to Venice.
The Log of the Voyage, maintained by
Antonio was placed in storage and not
discovered for 160 years in 1558!
- iii.
- The son of Prince Henry, by the same
name, was captured at sea, while he was
escorting the young Crown Prince James
from Scotland to France for safekeeping.
Both were held in English prision for
many years. (This Henry, married Egida,
daughter of King Robert II)
- Is there any reason to believe that Christopher
Columbus knew anything about Prince Henry
Sinclair's voyage to America?
His daughter, Elizabeth, passed the story along to
her son, who told his in-laws, who were the parents
of Columbus's wife! (Elizabeth married Sir John
Drummond, brother of King Robert III's wife. Their son
married into the Perestrello family)
- What's the evidence of the Voyage?
- a.
- The
Zeno Map
was drawn by Nicolo &
Antonio Zeno, in 1393 in Prince Henry's ships
and under his orders. This Map is known to
have been used by mariners for the next 150
years. It showed the north Atlantic Ocean, all
the way to Nova Scotia, with incredible
- b.
- The Zeno Narrative, or ship's log, includes a
number of references which would have been
impossible for others to fabricate. It describes
the voyage and landing.
- c.
The Westford Knight carving in Massachusetts
shows a Medieval Knight, bearing the Clan
Gunn crest and a sword of unquestioned 14th
century design. Many archaeologists agree it
was carved in the late 1300's.
- d.
- The contingency plans made by Prince Henry
before this voyage indicate that he was
embarking on an expedition from which he
might never return. His lands were disbursed
to his sons and daughters.
- e.
- The Micmac Legends of the Native Americans
have many references to a likeness of the Earl
of Orkney, which in Indian language sounds
like "Glooscap". The fishing net and reference
to his "stone canoe" are examples.
- f.
- Many words in the Micmac language have a
great similarity with Norse words, as were
spoken by the Sinclair explorers.
- g.
- In Scotland there is a
Rosslyn Chapel, in which
there are hundreds of stone carvings, made in
the mid 1400's. Some show American corn and
Aloe Cactus, which was unknown in Europe at
that time. It could only have been known if a
Sinclair returned from traveling in America!
- The Scots love their heros. But, Prince Henry isn't as
well known as William Wallace & Robert the Bruce.
Does he belong in the front rank of Scots great?
Yes indeed. In time, it is certain that Henry
Sinclair will gain the recognition he deserves in
- Did Prince Henry really precede Columbus?
Yes! The date of Prince Henry's appointment as
Earl of Orkney on August 2, 1379, is
unquestionably documented, well before 1492.
- The Scotland on Sunday newspaper quotes you as
saying "Unfortunately Scots here in the USA for some
reason don't seem to be able to pull together. There
isn't enough cooperation between clans. Clan Gunn
has stopped talking to us" Is that true?
- a.
- The single greatest lesson which Prince Henry
taught the world was Harmonious Diversity.
He was NOT a conquestitor. He was
welcomed by the Micmac Indians, and their
Legends report harmony in their relations with
- b.
- Every human being is different from others.
Their likes and dislikes are not the same.
However, the magic adhesive which brings
people together is a feeling of Common
Objectives. When individuals focus upon the
same Goals, they are harmonious. That's when
great achievements are made! Differences
become unimportant.
- c.
- All Scots, including the Sinclairs and the
Gunns, and in fact, all Europeans, share the
Common Objective of recognizing and
celebrating their earliest explorations of
America. We also share the Goal of Peace and
Harmony among mankind.
- d.
- The Gunns and the Sinclairs will certainly
celebrate the 600th anniversary together at the
NH Highland Games this year! We expect a
grand event, attended by 50,000 people!
- What specific events will give recognition to Prince
Henry Sinclair in the 600th anniversary year?
- a.
- The first celebration in 1998 will be on
February 21, in Moultrie, GA, at the Scottish
- b.
- Recognizing the Landfall 600 years ago, there
will be a ceremony in Halifax, NS, on June 2nd.
- c.
- A Sinclair tent and a Prince Henry tent will be
at the Illinois Highland Games in Midlothian,
IL, on June 27th, preceded by displays about
Prince Henry at the Midlothian Historical
Society throughout the month.
- d.
- The Grand Master's Fair in Charlton, MA, will
recognize GM Henry Sinclair on June 13th.
- e.
- The 600th Celebration Committee in Parrsboro,
NS, is conducting a week-long festival starting
on July 17th.
- f.
- Next, in Halifax, NS, Prince Henry Sinclair will
be recognized at the Metro Highland Games
on July 4th.
- g.
- A few days later, on July 10th, the historic
Expedition will be honored at the Grandfather
Mountain Highland Games in North Carolina.
- h.
- Many celebration events will be in
Guysborough, NS, on July 13 & 14.
- i.
- Parrsboro, NS, conducts its commemorative
events on July 17 thru 30.
- j.
- Advocate Harbour, NS, then has a
commemorative concert and church service on
July 31-Aug 2nd.
- k.
- On July 27th, the Highland Games in
Alexandria, VA, on July 27th will acknowledge
the Sinclair Voyage.
- l.
- Undoubtedly the most significant celebration
will take place at the NH Highland Games on
Sept. 17-20, for Clan Sinclair will be recognized
as an Honored Clan and there will be a
Gathering of Clan Sinclair.
- m.
- At the site of the Westford Knight carving in
Massachusetts, a program of events will be
conducted for Sinclairs, Gunns, & friends on
Sept 21-22.
- n.
- On October 16th at Stone Mountain, GA,
Prince Henry will be saluted for his heroic
voyage 600 years ago.
- What organization has been coordinating the many
regional interests in the Prince Henry Sinclair saga
and celebration?
- a.
- During the past two years, the 600th
Celebration Committee, of which I am
Chairman, has held monthly meetings to
stimulate and coordinate these events. Its 30
members are from many Scottish Clans,
Masonic organizations, and regional areas. In
addition, financial support has been contributed
by over 50 individuals. Each regional event is
being conducted by leadership from within that
region. Clan Sinclair is also providing
- b.
- Some of the organizations (and regions) which
are involved with Prince Henry celebrations are
the following:
i. Prince Henry Sinclair Society
ii. Clan Sinclair of USA
iii. Clan Sinclair of Canada
iv. Clan Gunn Society of North America
v. Caledonian Foundation
vi. Clan Douglas
vii. Clan Scott
viii. 600th Celebration Committee of Advocate, NS
ix. 600th Celebration Committee of the NW
x. Friends of Rosslyn
xi. NH Highland Games
- Where can people find more about the Prince Henry
Sinclair saga?
- a.
- Without doubt, the most current authority on
Prince Henry Sinclair is a businessman in
London by the name of Niven Sinclair.
Inspiration for the Prince Henry saga has come
from dozens of published books, including
many other books.
- b.
- More about this Celebration of the remarkable
voyage to America 600 years ago is published
monthly on our Internet Web Sites
<URL:http://www.netcom.com/~jolin/600th.html>, or by
subscribing to the newsletter "600th Celebration
News" by contacting Pete Cummings at
PO Box 158, Worcester, MA, USA, 01613.
Contributions of $40 (or anything you care to send)
will be much appreciated to defray the mailing
costs of publicity for the Celebration.
Clan Sinclair
Last update: 99/06/20 11:37:18