Prince Henry
To promote recognition of Henry Sinclair, 14th Century explorer
of North America, and to celebrate the 600th anniversary in 1998
21 October 1997 Issue
Published by Prince Henry Project Committee
65 Hartwell Street, West Boylston, MA, 01583, USA
Phone: 508-835-2900 Fax: 508-835-2944
E-Mail: henry1398@aol.com
John S. Quarterman
Celebration begins in 4 months!
The time has arrived when you should start to
make your own personal plans for celebrating
Prince Henry's 600th anniversary. Coordinating
with family vacations needs some advance
planning. We shall try to keep you informed
about the latest details of events, wherever they
may be located around the world.
For several years the Prince Henry Sinclair Project
Committee, it predecessor, the 600th Celebration
Committee, as well as the Prince Henry Sinclair
Society and the Sinclair Clans, have been seeking
to coordinate with each other. Their aim has been
to assist in stimulating the best of all plans, so that
you may pick and choose to suit your desire.
The first events is the Scottish Weekend on Feb.
21-23, 1998, in Moultrie, GA. It will feature
Prince Henry Sinclair. All are invited. Read more
about this event in "The Family Tree" magazine
this month.
Model Attracts Interest
Throughout 1977, the 45" long Model of Prince
Henry's ship has traveled up and down the eastern
coast of the United States. Record crowds at
Grandfather Mountain Highland Games in July
marvelled at the means of ocean transportation in
the 14th century. The Model was exhibited in
Alexandria, VA, at the Highland Games and then
in at the Highland Games at Williamsburg, VA,
and the Celtic Festival in Prince Frederick, MD.
A commitment has been made to feature the
Model at the huge Stone Mountain Highland
Games in Georgia in October. Much credit for
these arrangements is given to Bob Green, Pam
Manganelli, and Susan Grady. Totally, about
200,000 people have had the opportunity to learn
about the 1398 expedition to America. In each
location, many of our informative fliers have been
handed out. Our objective of spreading the word
about Prince Henry has been achieved.
Clan Sinclair Gathering
In the United States, more than 250 members and
friends of Clan Sinclair (USA) are anticipated to
attend the Gathering of the Clan next Fall. Events
are scheduled to begin on Sep. 17, 1998, with an
impressive Tattoo at the New Hampshire Highland
Games. Festivities will continue through Sep.
20th. At that time, people will travel to Westford,
MA, for ceremonies on Sep. 21 & 22. On Sep
23rd many people will drive a short distance to
Newburyport, MA, where a harbor cruise is
planned, along a portion of the route taken by
Prince Henry 600 years ago. A few Sinclairs
expect to go on to share a lunch and ceremonies
in Exeter, NH, where their immigrant forefather,
John Sinclair lived.
Reservations for motels, Clan Banquet, and
Harbor Cruise must be made right away. For
more information, contact Pete Cummings,
General Chair of Clan Sinclair Gathering at 65
Hartwell St, West Boylston, MA, 01583, or Fax
Nova Scotia invites you!
Our Nova Scotia Coordinator, Neil St. Clair,
announces that Advocate, located near the
spectacular Bay of Fundy, has set a schedule for
their celebration. Arrangements are being made
by Rev. David Chisling. On Friday, July 31st,
there will be a concert. A memorial service on
Aug. 1 will be followed by a church supper. "Kilt
Day" will be Aug. 2, when Rev. Malcolm Sinclair
of Toronto will speak at the church service in
Advocate. The next day, August 3rd will contain
joyous festivities, including bagpipes and Scottish
In nearby Parrsboro, there will also be
celebrations. Several hours driving time away is
Guysborough, where more events will occur. The
schedules for these will be announced soon.
Another attraction is the Cape D'Or Provincial
Park. It is the location where, 600 years ago,
Prince Henry over wintered and build his ships for
the return voyage. The parking lot has been
expanded, a cafeteria opened, and an overnight
guest house has been outfitted. The recent
improvements mentioned above are the result of
efforts by the Advocate Development Association.
Approximately 5000 visitors signed in at this new
park in 1995, and in 1996 that number increased
to 7000.
Visitors to Nova Scotia will certainly want to travel
to the Guysborough area to see the Prince Henry
Memorial Park. Still in its infancy, it is located on
the shores of Chadabucto Bay, where Prince
Henry is thought to have made his first landfall.
A large stone monument has been installed,
bearing a brass plaque which honors Prince Henry.
If the requested for funds is granted by Canada, a
small museum and gift house, together with living
villages of 14th century European settlers and
Micmac Native Americans may be seen in this
park. Dedication festivities will be announced.
Inquiries are invited by Neil St. Clair, 19 Soley
Cove Rd, Lower Economy, NS, BOM 1J0,
Federation of Scottish Clans joins celebration
The Nova Scotia based Federation has cancelled
its "An All Clans Day" in the summer of 1998 in
favor of assisting with the Prince Henry
celebration. Plans will be announced.
Educational materials
During the past several years, people have urged
that educational materials be developed about
Prince Henry's expedition to America. Several
people have offered to take on the task of
developing a curriculum, aimed at youngsters at
the grade school level. Several people, including
Tobin Gunn, Karol Gooch, and Elaine Sinclair
Fowler, have shown interest in helping Elaine's
material includes informative stories, map reading,
vocabulary, comprehension, coloring sheets,
spelling exercises, and creative games. For more
information, please contact Elaine at 802-372-3025
or PO Box 212, 21 Sunset View Rd, So. Hero, VT,
05486. Or, contact the PHP Committee.
Rosslyn Chapel
The Friends of Rosslyn have recently elected new
officers. Niven Sinclair and Judith Fisken are
highly supportive, and they still offer much help.
The new president is James M. Munro, treasurer is
Kenneth Sinclair, and a director is John Ritchie. I
(Pete Cummings) have personally met each of
them and I believe they have similar interests
towards Rosslyn Chapel as do most of us in the
USA. I urge you to give them your support. They
recognize that their task in establishing productive
relations with the Earl's trust is of utmost
importance, as is their responsibility in building a
support among the current members of The
Friends of Rosslyn. Very appropriately, they also
have trusteeship of facilities, staffing, and
programs. We should hear more from this new,
energetic group of leaders in Scotland.
Men lost at sea
A tradition in the town of Advocate is to honor
the seamen who never returned. In this fishing
village, steeped in history of early explorers, the
Memorial service at the wharf each year at the end
of summer has great meaning. On August 31,
1997, Rev. David Chisling introduced Conrad
Byers, who delivered a very informative speech
titled, "Prince Henry Sinclair."
Resource Centers
Neil St. Clair reports that in Nova Scotia, the
Prince Henry Sinclair Society of North America
has earmarked $300 fore each of two resource
centers. One is located at the Community Library
in Guysborough, while the other is being
established in Advocate. Each provide availability
of reference material.
Newsletter Availability
This newsletter, and previous issues, is free for
your viewing on two Internet Sites, which are
maintained by John S. Quarterman and John Olin.
If you have a computer, by all means look them
up at the following addresses:
For those people who do not use the Internet,
send $40 Annual Subscription fee to PHP
Committee, PO Box 158, Worcester, MA, 01613.
Clan Sinclair
Last update: 99/02/13 12:44:02