Humm, I also have Hubbard ancestry, the root name going
back perhaps even to Abu Hubba a chieftain in Asia. But there was
this Hubba/Ubba the Viking who in the fall of 866 with an immense
fleet and brother Hingua landed in East Anglia or Kent to avenge the foul death
of the "old Boar" (their father, Ragnar Lodbrog/Regner Lodbrok/Ragnar of the
"Shaggy Brogues"--love these names) by Aella, the
last independent king of Northumbria. Ragnar had been put into a
cage of snakes "and devoured" (hummm). (was Rollo's mother, Ragnhild
somehow related to Ragnar?)
The following year, having gathered resources and
corrupting locals against king Osbert of Northumbria who was perhaps
co-ruler with Aella. Soon Osbert, who was also facing King Kenneth
Macalpins raids into Lothian, was deposed making Aella the only king for a few
months. But when Hubba and Hingua appeared, Osbert and Aella joined
forces to attack the Viking stronghold. But the
brothers defeated the attack killed Osbert and captured Aella. They
the "piglings" revenged their father boar by inflicting the Danish "at
risa Oern" punishment of dividing the ribs, drawing the lungs through the
opening and pouring salt upon them. Later they terribly torchered King
Edward the Martyr of England and killed him.
It is said that Ragner, the "Reafan", (raven) had a battle
flag woven in one noon-tide by the hands of his 3 daughters. Could one of
those daughters be Ragnhilda who married Rognvald and were parents of
But don't jump to conclusions too early, probably few
of the people named Hubbard or Hubbel were descendants of the Viking.
Their name sprung from being associated with a town of that name.
Because a stone had been set up to commemorate Hubba "Hubba Stone
" with Hubba Stone Priory closeby and towns named Huberston or Hubbaston.
There were 7 hills named after Hubba at various places in England and thus came
the name Hubb'll or Hubbell for people comming from there, ie. John of
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