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Birthday of Christ-Don't even look at this info if it bothers you
Here is something for contemplation that a friend wrote several years ago:
Birthday of Christ by Orv Clutterham
"It may seem strange to us that no one knows for certain the birthdate of
our Lord Jesus Christ. But if this seems strange, consider the fact that
even when Jesus was alive His own disciples were not sure as to the date of
His birth. In Luke 3:23 it says "And Jesus Himself began to be about thirty
years of age..." As a matter of fact, not one inspired writer even
mentioned the month much less the day of the birth of Christ. It seems that
in Bible times, it was not considered important to record the birthday of
anyone who was not of noble birth. Notable events that took place were
related to some historical time rather than a specific date. For example,
in Isaiah 6:1 Isaiah said that he saw the Lord "sitting upon a throne, high
and lifted up, and His train filled the Temple..." And when was it that
Isaiah saw this sight? "In the year that Uzziah died." And in recording
the birth of Christ, Luke links the birth with those days, when the decree
went out for taxation from Caesar Augustus (Luke 2:1,2) He did not mention
the year, month or day of the birth.
Many Biblical scholars, including myself, do not believe that December
25th is actually the birthday of Christ. It is the day on which we
commemorate the fact that he was born. And the fact that, in ancient times,
at least one great pagan holiday was celebrated on December 25th has no
bearing whatsoever on our observance of this day. I am not taking part in a
pagan worship when I remember December 25th as his birthday anymore than I
am worshiping Thor on Thursday, etc.
Yet this has been an important day to Christians for many centuries. It
is a well-known fact of history that early Christians observed December 25th
as a special day as far back as A.D. 98. Clement of Alexandria at the very
beginning of the third century records the keeping of this date in those
The striking thing we need to see, to me at least, is that although
December 25th is NOT the birthday of Christ, it really could be the date on
which the Angel Gabriel announced the conception of Christ. Note that both
the Conception and the birth of Christ were so important to God that He sent
an angel to announce both events!
Now, here is an interesting thing. Matt. 1:18 says, "Now the birth of
Jesus was in this way." The word "birth" comes from the Greek word Gennao
which is the root word to procreate or conceive. So the verse might better
be translated "Now the conception of Jesus Christ was in this way." It is
obvious then, that God thought that both the conception day of Christ and
the birth day of Christ were extremely important. He sent the Angel Gabriel
to announce the conception. He sent another Angel to announce the
birth..Luke 2:9 says it was "the" angel of the Lord, which we believe was
probably Michael.
Daniel 12:1 refers to Michael as "the Prince of angels," and in Jude 9,
Michael is called the "Archangel." If what we are saying has a ring of
truth, doesn't it seem likely that early Christians would have celebrated
both of these days? And could it be possible that December 25th actually
was the date on which Jesus Christ was conceived of the Holy Spirit?
In many parts of the world, a day called Michaelmas Day is still
recognized. The date is September 29th. It is known as the Feast of
Michael and all angels. As we look at this we are reminded of Luke 2:13;
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host.....
A good question is, Why September 29th? Note with me another peculiar
thing. The Feast of Tabernacles, that most joyous feast of the Jews, comes
on the 15th of the month of Tisbri. On our calender this is September 29th.
The Gospel of John tells us in John 1:14 that, "the Word was made flesh and
dwelt (tabernacled in the original) among us. The Feast of Tabernacles
fittingly symbolizes the dwelling of God among men. The perfect period of
human gestation is 280 days, roundly 9 months. Figure back from September
29th 280 days and you have December 25th. Was the actual birth date
September 29th?
This was the logical time of the year for the Roman census decree, which
critics have often stated could not have fitted in with the December date.
The crops were in and the people were at liberty. The Jews would be going
to the Feast of Tabernacles anyway. The shepherds were still in the field.
Dr. John Stewart, who has made a careful study of the Roman customs,
declares that the census always came between August and October. How
appropriate the Lord's manifestation to the world at the time of the Feast
of Tabernacles and his sacrificial death at the Feast of Passover. Many
students believe that His actual reign as King will begin on the Feast of
Galations 4:4 says that God's Son was sent forth "in the fulness of
time." When was he sent from the Glory? Certainly not on the day of His
birth. The Lord Jesus became an embryo 280 days before the day of His
birth! This is the stupendous miracle of the incarnation.
I have a letter from another person who visited Bethlehem 3 times and
said that the end of December is much to cold for "shepherds to be abiding
in the fields and surely they would loose animals if they did.." But the
weather could have been different then so that doesn't mean anything unless
it has been established that the weather then was as today.
Does anyone know whether ancient people celebrated the day of conception?
> Hello,
> I am very appreciative that the Sinclair list gives space to share these
> ideas and thoughts about Christmas ie., the Star, the Wise men, and the
> birth of our Savior.
> Having recently finished the book, "Uriel's Machine" by Knight & Lomas
> 1-86204-810-X), I could not ignore the opportunity to make a brief
> additional comment about the time of year attributed to the birth of
> "We knew that in early times, birthing of humans was as timed just as much
> as the production of sheep or crops. Even Jesus was required to fulfill
> ancient requirements of birth dates. According to tradition his mother
> conceived him precisely on the Spring equinox and he was born at the
> solstice (Christmas). He went on to die at the same time of year as his
> birth - Spring equinox, and was then reborn at the first Sunday of the
> moon thereafter (Easter). Furthermore, according to the Bible, Jesus's
> priestly cousin, John the Baptist, was conceived on the Autumn equinox and
> born at the Summer solstice. These astronomical dates for Jesus and John
> are not coincidental." See pages 288, 289.
> As usual you will NOT be bored by the writings of Knight & Lomas!
> Jerry Gibbons templar@net-link.net
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