Prince Henry
To promote recognition of Henry Sinclair, 14th Century explorer
of North America, and to celebrate the 600th anniversary in 1998
25 September 1997 Issue
Published by Prince Henry Project Committee
65 Hartwell Street, West Boylston, MA, 01583, USA
Phone: 508-835-2900 Fax: 508-835-2944
E-Mail: henry1398@aol.com
John S. Quarterman
Symposium in Fall
Josh Gourlay has announced a 3-day Symposium about Prince Henry
Sinclair will be held in Orkney on September 5 through 11, 1997.
It will include such subjects as ancient maps and ships,
historical Orkney background, Knights Templar, Sinclair heritage,
the trans-Atlantic voyage, and pros & cons. Early registration
indicates that this will be a very memorable "summit meeting" for
several dozen leaders and many more followers.
[Action: For more information, contact Mr. Gourlay at phone
01144-1856-870-992 or
email at FINSTOWN@aol.com. ]
Improvements at Rosslyn
The Friends of Rosslyn have recently taken over the Parsonage,
which is the large house on the left side of the road leading to
the Chapel. When you next visit this very special place, you
will find a new Sinclair Library, a Templar Museum, the Roslin
Heritage Museum, a Research & Study Center, a Gift Shop and Tea
Room. Much credit for this goes to Niven Sinclair and Judith
The Templar collection at the Museum will establish the Sinclair
patronage of the Knightly Orders, according to Robert Brydon. In
addition it will include new material about the Gypsy influence
in Rosslyn Glen.
Close ties established with Prince Henry Society of USA
Realizing that the year of the 600th Celebration is now less than
one year away, there is a uniting of efforts under Common
Objectives. The Prince Henry Project and the newly formed Prince
Henry Sinclair Society have pledged to work closely together.
Both have the same Mission Statement, which states committment to
exploration, research, education, and sharing information of the
14th century trans-Atlantic journeys of Sinclair. Both PHP and
PHSS share seven of the same Directors! Each organization brings
"something special to the table", which should result in everyone
being better prepared for the 1998 Celebration. D'Elayne Coleman
is President of PHSS-USA and VP of the Prince Henry Project
Grand Master's Fair
Thanks to PHP members Ken Swift, Bob Knight, & Matt Mallard,
there was a Prince Henry table at the annual Grand Master's Fair.
Located in Charleton, MA, more than 10,000 people in attendance.
A display of a large Templar flag and other material attracted
viewers, who received handout brochures about the 1398 Templar
Expedition to America.
[In previous issues of this Newsletter we have presented a
summary of the boyhood, knighthood, Orkney, and voyage of the
remarkable 14th visit to America by 200 - 300 explorers. Here,
we continue with a description of the archaeological evidence in
In the springtime, the European explorers loaded their ships and
traveled southward to the New England Coast, just north of
Boston. Evidence indicates they travelled to the Merrimack
River, then upstream to Stony Brook to its source. The party
landed and spent the winter, living peacefully with the
Algonquin Indians.
While hiking toward Prospect Hill, one of Prince Henry's
companions by the name of Sir James Gunn died. In memory of
their lost companion, the party carved a marker
on the face of
a horizontal stone ledge. Various sized holes were punched
into the stone by a sharp tool, driven by a mallet. The image
was that of a Scottish Knight, with a 39-inch long sword and
shield, bearing the Gunn family insignia. Where glacial
scratches or rock colorations existed, they were incorporated
into the manmade picture.
Located beside this ancient rock carving are four stone posts
with heavy iron chains. A recent granite monument was erected by
Allister MacDougall, the Town Historian, to honor Prince Henry
Sinclair's companion.
The inscription on the granite stone reads;
"Prince Henry First Sinclair of Orkney born in Scotland made
a voyage of discovery to North America in 1398. After wintering
in Nova Scotia he sailed to Massachusetts and on an inland
expedition in 1399 to Prospect Hill to view the surrounding
countryside, one of the party died. The punch-hole armorial
effigy that adorns this ledge is a Memorial to this Knight."
If you take a very close look at the rock ledge, you will see the
punched holes. They are very weather-worn. Someone has painted
a shield on the rock surface, and this painting helps you see the
punched holes. Natives in this town of Westford are familiar
with their Westford Knight. Historian Frederick J. Pohl heard of
these revelations and visited Westford to see the discovery for
himself. He reported, "The following are undeniably manmade
workings: the pommel, handle, and guard of the sword; below
the guard the break across the blade suggests the death of the
sword's owner; the crest above the pommel; a few holes at the
sword's point; the punch-hole jess lines attached to the legs of
the falcon; the bell-shaped hollows; the corner of the shield
touching the pommel; the crescent on the shield; and the holes
that form a decorative pattern on the pommel." Archaeologist
James P. Whittall, among many others, has also studied the
Westford Carvings extensively and he confirms these findings.
[This story of Prince Henry's expedition will be continued in the
next issue if this Newsletter. The full-text, 46-page booklet
"Sinclair's Exploration of America", along with a Membership
Certificate, is available for all new Bronze Members. Join
today. Send $40 or more to PHP, PO Box 158, Worcester, MA,
Sinclair Trail in Nova Scotia
At the monthly Prince Henry Project Committee meeting on June
24th, chaired by Pete Cummings, twenty of its Coordinators &
Members participated, some by phone, letter, or email, others in
person. Bob Green reported good progress on ship plans, which
are now being quoted by several shipbuilders. The Model has been
displayed at three Highland Games, reported Pam Manganelli, where
it received "overwhelming" interest. According to Neil St.
Clair, the Province of Nova Scotia in congunction with local
towns, is going to mark the highways in the vacinity of the Bay
of Fundy with signs reading "Sinclair Trail."
A Special Person
Susan G. Grady, a Research/Writer on the Prince Henry Project
Committee, has composed several beautiful visualizations of
Prince Henry. "Waiting the Return" is a narrative among several
members of Prince Henry's crew who remained in Nova Scotia when
Henry returned to Orkney. They discuss their environment and
wait for Prince Henry's return. Another article is titled "A
Special Person". It is a discussion between an Indian leader
with Little Hawk. It is apparant that the younger one has some
white man's blood in his veins. Feeling slightly different, he is
very insecure until the elder tells of meeting some blond haired,
blue-eyed strangers. On one occasion, these visitors saved a
Native from drowning, and an Indian maid married the courageous
white man. "So you see, Little Hawk, you must be very proud you
look different from your friends because you are the descendant
of special people sent to us by the Great Spirit."
[NOTE: Copies are available for $2.]
Prince Henry appears in Tulsa!
Thanks to Annette Hixenbaugh, Prince Henry Sinclair was seen in
costume at the Scottish Heritage Festival in Midwest City,
Oklahoma. What a great idea! Maybe this gives others an idea
they could follow. Each of us in our own way can help tell more
people about our favorite explorer.
[ACTION Send us your ideas. We'd like to tell others what you are doing.]
Brad Barker elected Event Coordinator
Events for the 600th celebration will occur at many locations,
from Nova Scotia to North Carolina! Brad Barker has been elected
Coordinator for the South East Coastal States. He will select
the sites and the dates and make arrangements for conducting
[ACTION Call Brad at 919-542-2795 if you are
interested in volunteering your help.]
Volunteers wanted!
Committees are needed in each celebration location. Prime sites
are Newburyport, MA; Newport, RI; Boston, MA; New York City;
Marblehead, MA; and Halifax, NS.
[ ACTION Please let us know of your interest.]
Thanks to recent contributors.
We are indebted to Neil St. Clair (Silver Sponsor), D'Elayne
Coleman (Founder Sponsor), and the following Bronze Sponsors:
Scott Robinson, Natalie Fletcher, Michael Teague, Dorothy Paine,
Peggy Sinclair, Nicholas Andreson, Robert Knight, Eleanor Gray,
Thelma Hurley, Michael Kaulback, and Delores McRae. The total
count of our Bronze Members is now forty-eight. We thank each of
our Members for their generous support!
[ACTION Make a generous donation to "The Sinclair Trust" It
is a tax exempt contribution. We are working on a very tight
budget. These newsletters and other celebration affairs depends
upon the continued contributions. Send your check today. Bronze
Members are $40; Founders are $500; and Silver Members are $1500.
All donations are tax deductible. Thanks.]
Notification of future Newsletters
In the months ahead we shall attempt to send short E-Mail
messages to those readers who would like to be told that a new
issue of this 600th Celebration Newsletter has been posted on
this Web Site. If you wish to receive this reminder, please
respond by E-Mail to henry1398@aol.com saying "Send notifications
of Newsletters."
Clan Sinclair
Last update: 99/06/20 11:37:07